Thursday, November 28, 2019

Aikido Essays (646 words) - Aikido, D, Aiki, Japanese Martial Arts

Aikido Aikido is a Japanese martial art currently practiced throughout the world. Behind the powerful catapulting throws and immobilizing locks and pins of Aikido lie some very simple principles: remove yourself from the direct line of your enemys attack, and through the absorption and deflection of the force of the attack, your enemy is taken out of balance and defeated by the energy of his or her own aggression. Aikido does not use strength against strength, but stresses body and mind relaxation to direct the opponents force away. Because its main purpose is not to take the offensive in injuring or harming the opponent, Aikido has often been called a nonviolent martial art. In daily practice, the student of Aikido seeks to achieve the firmness, stability, sobriety and elegance which make Aikido one of the most powerful and beautiful ways of artistic expression, while conserving its potential as one of the most devastating offers of self-defense. Aikido may be practiced by all people regardless of age, sex, religion, or previous athletic ability. Systematic Aikido practice leads to increased aerobic capacity and to overall body conditioning through both flexibility and strength training. The general philosophy of Aikido makes extensive use of the concept of Ki. The name Aikido can be translated as the way of harmony of Ki. Exactly what Ki is is a somewhat controversial issue. Aikido is one of the more spiritual martial arts and has been referred to as moving Zen. Ai- come together or to harmonize Ki- the spirit of the universe Do- the way Ki is the force behind all things. Everything in the universe has Ki. Ki is the essence of our world. It is the basis of all matter, every phenomenon, emotion, sense, direction, will, consciousness and conscience. Ki is also an energy which can be very useful in our daily lives when used properly. Ki is our life force which keeps us alive. Ki is the binding force of our mind and body. We can be very efficient if we unify our mind and body. However, it is rather difficult to maintain the oneness of mind and body throughout our daily lives without something to bind them together. As electricity keeps the computer and the robot working together, Ki keeps the mind and the body working in sync. Some believe that the physical entity Ki simply does not exist. Instead, the spirit, the intention, the bio-physico-psychological coordination through relaxation and awareness are concepts being used in the teaching. One must first learn to control oneself before attempting to harmonize and control others. Without a good balance and control of oneself, one can neither avoid an attack nor apply an effective technique on others. It is through self-control that one can learn to enjoy a harmonious way of life. In order to harmonize with the laws of nature, we must first learn to develop and maintain the right attitude of training. We must always keep the attitude of becoming one with every situation. This is an attitude of respect for all things at all times. Regardless of the situation, friend or foe, one must always be ready to harmonize. The right attitude greatly affects the efficiency of the action. It is not how strong, but rather how correct you are that counts. This concept of mind-body connection will make it possible for anyone regardless of age or sex to perform the arts efficiently. There are Four keys to body and mind unity. First, Calmly let your mind settle at an imaginary point about two inches below the navel. Second, relax your entire body to the point where you are able to maintain complete control of yourself by keeping calmness of mind and body between tenseness and limpness. Third, naturally allow the gravitational pull to settle your entire body down to where it should settle. Lastly, think positively and be ready for action with a calm and flexible mind without referring to excessive physical strength. Aikido is a positive attitude towards life. Sports and Games

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Examining a Sample Workplace Scenario Essays

Examining a Sample Workplace Scenario Essays Examining a Sample Workplace Scenario Essay Examining a Sample Workplace Scenario Essay Organizational culture is regarded as an all-encompassing component of the life of an organization.   It is primarily composed of the varying worldview, attitudes, core values, principles and beliefs shared by the people constituting the organization.   Notwithstanding the cultural differences among the members, the group eventually develops a dominant culture.   Ideally, the dominant one must be able to integrate the minor cultural components.   Taken as a whole, the basic core values and attitudes define the manner the entire organization behaves.   In business settings, it ultimately defines the behavior of an employee towards each other and clients and other people outside the organization (Hill Jones, 2009).Organizational culture is mainly dictated by the prevalent values shared by all members of the group.   These are core values dearly held on to by both the managers and the employees alike.   The values help define how should a fellow employee interact with ano ther employee, a subordinate with the superiors and the organization as a whole with the stakeholders and the general public in general.   Organization culture, far wider in scope, is basically influenced by the consolidated values of the organization.Montana and Charnov (2000) went to the extent of defining organizational culture in the corporate environment.   Corporate culture, therefore, involves the totality of the values, traditions, customs and drives that contribute to the distinct character of the company.   It both defines the behavior of the policy makers and the managers, since the corporate culture is mainly shaped by the visions and stated objectives outlined by the founders and the subsequent decision makers.Varying types and components of organizational cultureMany models of organization culture were developed over time.   Essentially, those models were defined according to specific schools of thought management theorists belong to.   Most basic model defin es organization culture according to the extent of power and influence it exerts to the rest of the organization.   According to the model, subcultures may be defined as strong and weak culture.   Strong culture is the dominant composite values in an organization, where hierarchical structures, communication formats and management-employee behavior are clearly defined (McFarlin, 2002).   An organization with a strong culture seldom experiences major intra-corporate conflicts, since the goals and manner of executing them are precisely defined.   Weak culture, on the other hand, exhibit minimal alignment of the variant values and attitudes, necessitating a strong persona or leadership in the company.Hofstede (1984), in his study involving 100,000 workers employed by IBM in different parts of the world, investigated the varying aspects of culture that wields significant influence on the behavior of the entire multi-national corporation.   The study was able to identify the fi ve major components of corporate culture, namely: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism vs. collectivism, masculinity vs. femininity, and long vs. short term orientation.   Power distance pertains to the expectations of the society on varying levels of power.   Some individuals are inherently expected to discharge greater power than those in the lower echelons of the organization.   Minimal power distance assessment score, therefore, entails that everyone in the group are perceived to have equal rights.   Uncertainty avoidance refers to the established rule defining the extent the group may accept risks and uncertainty involved.   Individualism versus collectivism means the ability of the employees to stand up either for them or for the entire organization.   This concept, however, was rebutted by some thinkers, showing that an organization high in individualism may equally value collectivism at the same time.   The latter two components define the relat ionship between members of two main sex groups and the ability of the organization to accommodate changes visvis the manner people perceived the importance of the future against the past and present.According to Johnson (1988), there are seven basic elements of organizational culture that are helpful in describing and evaluating the same.   Corporate paradigm pertains to the core values and generic mission of the company.   It includes the raison d’à ªtre of the entity and the basic goals it is intended to achieve.   Control systems refer to the identified processes and mechanisms to assess the operations of the company. Control systems are important in evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.   Organizational structures pertain to the established communication lines, hierarchies and the manner work is executed in the workplace.   Power structures provides for the specific persons who make the decisions of varying significance.   They also explain how power is shared among those who wield it and the basis of the authority in making decisions.   Symbols literally mean the logos and designs of the company.   However, the concept has been expanded to include trivial but equally important things, such as parking spaces and washrooms.   Rituals and routines involve the habitual activities generally observed.   Stories and myths encompass information about people and events, giving one an idea on what are most valued by the people who share them.   These elements are not entirely independent of each other.   Most corporate entities display the overlapping and merging of the different elements.The Case of ABB Electromechanical MetersBurton, Obel, Hunter, Sà ¸ndergaard Dà ¸jbak (1998) conducted a study involving the ABB Electromechanical Meters.   ABBEM belongs to a larger multinational corporation, i.e. ABB.   The other division is the electronic meters.   Although both divisions basically belongs to th e same industry, the study conducted is illustrative of the sub-organization culture of the electromechanical that defines the division’s attitude and behavior towards the other division and within the mother corporation itself.Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) initially started as the Westinghouse Meter Plant, established in 1953 in Raleigh, North Carolina, US.   The plant, subject of this review, periodically churns out metering equipment.   With clearly defined goals, the plant workers had been minimally relying on outside resources, except the raw materials and components not produced by the company.   The varying sections are fully integrated into one production system.Sometime in February 1989, ABB executed a joint venture agreement with Westinghouse, resulting to the eventual acquisition of the meter operation in December of the same year.   Prior to the said acquisition, ABB management adhered to the core value emphasizing self-reliance and autonomy of its divisions.   The same philosophy was transferred to the workers of the plant upon acquisition.   The meter plant was composed of the electromechanical and electronic divisions.Before the entire meter plant was acquired, the two basic divisions had been relying substantially to one another.   Although all specific job functions were grouped into three smaller sections with their respective heads reporting to the over-all plant manager, most workers in general rely heavily to the different sub-groupings.   Electronics division, for example, normally purchased certain components from the electromechanical division because the latter has no production capacity to produce the same.   Besides, it was deemed practical and beneficial to purchase from the other division within the same production line than having the same outsourced from other companies.   In the same manner, the electromechanical division depended largely on the electronic division for the designs and assembly of certain com ponents.   This heavy dependence inherently provided the convenience of sourcing sub-component materials from within the same plant.The introduction of what the meter plant perceived as an alien philosophy from ABB contributed to significant changes in the organizational structure that potentially threatened the productivity and efficiency of the entire plant.   The component divisions had to establish and provide for their own material needs and services because of the imposition of the new paradigm in the company.Evaluation and RecommendationsAt the onset, ABB top management was desirous of increasing productivity and efficiency in the production line through greater independence and autonomy.   The top policy makers were aware of the potential adverse impacts of too much reliance among the component divisions in the company.   The managers put too much importance on the said policy on self-reliance.   Necessarily, when the meter plant was acquired from Westinghouse, the same policy was imposed on the workers and section heads who had originally valued the exact opposite.Sims (2002) believes that the currently existing organization culture may result to varying degree of dysfunction and initial adverse reaction, especially when a mother company merges with or acquires an albeit smaller company.   In the case of ABB’s acquisition of the meter plant resulted to the seemingly radical overhaul of the different elements of organizational culture discussed earlier.   Organizational and power structures were hugely altered, as the new owners will ultimately be making all major policies.   They had the authority to define how the company as a whole must be able to function to produce the desired results, including even the manner one component division interact with another within the same mother company.Definitely, the contrasting sub-cultures of the mother company and the meter plant could not remain separated.   The acquiring company has the prerogative in defining a comprehensive set of policies covering all aspects of the workplace.   Separation of cultures in the cited case would not work out, especially because the component divisions have identical and shared functions.   What could have been done was either the assimilation or integration of the two sub-organizational cultures.As explained at the beginning of the paper, fuller understanding of the varying components and elements of the entire organization culture is critical in the formulation of an effective and realistic set of company policies.   Intra-organizational conflicts may be avoided when there is a reasonable accommodation of specific values long observed by the entity being acquired by the mother company.   Disintegrated and variant sub-cultures have the potential to create a weak organizational culture.   A weak culture is one of the contributing factors of inefficiency and reduced productivity in the workplace.   A strong leadership, expressed through memoranda and issuances may augment the situation but it will take longer before the plant workers may be able to change the way they look at the things in the same workplace with new policy makers.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Globl operations mngement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Globl operations mngement - Essay Example Kim (2001) for instance talks of the issue of globalization, which makes it extremely important for companies to practice global management approach. With a global management approach, companies are at an advantage of experiencing cross-boarding learning exposure (McCarthy, 2011). This is a situation whereby the experiences tapped in one area of the companies operations that have proven to be workable and useful are transferred to other parts of the companies operations. Again, there can be cushioning in terms of financial gains whereby areas that have better financial fortunes can be used to supplement management duties in other areas of the company’s operations where financial turn-up is low. These merits have however been affected by certain advancement in operations management as exists in other countries; thereby inhibiting certain companies from accruing the entire benefits as discussed. For instance there are different economic and trade clients from one country to another. For this reason, if a centralized global management system is practiced, chances are that such management approaches would not work perfectly from country to country. Finally, in the United States, most companies have had their global management approaches being affected the rate of economic development in other countries. For this reason, even when revenues and sources of expenditure are carried over to some of these countries, the branches of the companies there still find it very difficult to align their levels of output thought the entire operations management may be

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Incarnation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Incarnation - Research Paper Example Thus, in the earliest state of Christianity, the Evangelists did neither elaborate on Jesus’s words â€Å"The Father and I are one†3 nor expound on the baptizing formula â€Å"in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit†4; which, according to Dibb, indicates that they were more concerned with the message of salvation, rather than with the theological detail.5 On the other hand, identifying Jesus as Christ and linking Him to the Father (Lord), the New Testament writers not just suggested the fulfillment of Jewish expectations of the Messiah, but also His divine status – the latter being considered the central point that has made the uniqueness of Christianity6. All in all, the whole Christian tradition could be considered as â€Å"recording and interpreting various collective and individual experiences of Jesus†7; while the experiential knowledge of Jesus, in turn, became more or less the basis of ‘philosophy’ in the context of Christology89. ... This paper is focused on the central concept in Christology, namely the incarnation, which actually represents the greatest challenge faced by theologians, philosophers and apologists concerned with the Christian faith and worship. The following sections explore the concept of incarnation as viewed by representatives of different schools of thought and traditions within the Christian Church, as well as by contemporary theologians and researchers in the field. Thus, the paper traces the development of this concept over the centuries and attempts to address its acceptability nowadays. Early Christian Writers – Views of the Nature of God The relationship between the human and the divine, the finite and infinite, in the person of Jesus, appeared an issue that increasingly required further articulation. St Ignatius, who became the Bishop of Antioch in 69 AD and was sentenced to death in about 107 AD, wrote a series of Epistles to the Christians, in which Jesus Christ is depicted as â€Å"God becoming visible†, â€Å"God existing in flesh, true life in death†, representing the mind of the Father12. Ignatius had philosophically described a progression â€Å"from divinity to humanity†, where Jesus Christ is not considered a separate being but a part of the progression whereby the mind of God had become flesh, and the â€Å"doorway to the Father†13. However, according to Ignatius, the human and divine in Christ does not interfere with the unity of God14. One of the earliest Christian writers, St Irenaeus of Lyons (120 – 202 AD), who served at Lyons as a presbyter to Polycarp, wrote his magnum opus – Against Heretics – at about 180 AD15. In this work, having exposed the errors of Gnosticism, Irenaeus set forth

Monday, November 18, 2019

Soccer or Hunger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Soccer or Hunger - Essay Example In fact, the level of attention that is paid to the sports in Europe and U.S speaks about the high levels of life the dwellers of this regions have. Thus, it is no wonder that there is little football fans in Africa - it's hard to devote all of the attention to the forthcoming football match when you don't know what your children will have for breakfast tomorrow. Soccer has become a profitable industry due to the amount of attention that is devoted to it in the developed countries. It turned out that being a soccer player is a decent occupation; at least the salaries of the soccer players in some parts of the world, are higher than those of the doctors or lawyers. The numbers found in the Soccer and World Football FAQ were that in top Euro leagues the soccer players make from $50,000 to $7,000,000-8,000,000. The statistics strokes us down by the fact that the financial state of the European soccer players is not as good as it may've seemed, as the average salary is no more than $1,500,000. The top salary in Mexico is $2,200,000, but the average one is no more than $400,000. High profile players like David Beckham earn roughly 10 million a year from their salary alone. Roy Keane (Manchester United) got paid 100,000 a week, while Ronaldinio gets paid 7.6 million per year.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Porters Five Analysis of Honda

Porters Five Analysis of Honda Porters five forces is a framework developed by Michael E. Porter that we use to analyse the industry regarding the internal and external environment, competitors, and also better understand the industry context in which the firm operates. The aim of the five forces is to modify the strategy or just some rules in the firm favour in order to stay competitive, improve the position, and realize profit. Porters five forces is a very useful tool, since it helps us to understand the current position of the firm, and take advantages from the strengths of competition and also improve the weaknesses, and avoid taking a wrong strategy to do not stack in the middle, and lose position in the market. This framework is used to identify whether a product, service, business will be profitable, and also know the suppliers; power of buyers, substitutes, new entrants and competitors that will face the firm in order to stay attractive. Now we will see each force in more detail: Rivalry: this force shows the competition between existing firms that offer the same product or service, and even have the same strategy. If there is many competitors, then you should have a little power over them by adopting a strategy that may be based on price, quality, innovation, advertisement, like differentiation, cost leadership, or the focus on a narrow segment. Threats of new entrants: new firms entering the industry will bring new competition, in order to gain the market, and decrease profitability for existing firms, above all those firms who have little protection and barriers to entry, then expecting some firms to exit the market. Threats of substitutes: the ability of customers to find other alternative ways and products with lower prices and better quality that must satisfy the same needs. There is a product for product substitute, substitute needs and also generic substitute that relates to something that people can do without. Buyers bargaining power: determines the ability of buyers to impose pressure on the firm either by switching to another company or having other substitutes, or cutting down prices. They can also affect the conditions under which all the firms operate. Suppliers bargaining power: determines the ability of suppliers to drive up prices which put pressure on firms if there is a few number of suppliers, or by the uniqueness of their products and the control they have over firms. By analysing and understanding each force, and how it affects the strategy of the firm, it provides the opportunity to identify the strengths of the firm and the ability to modify some points of the strategy to make sustainable profits, and being successful in achieving and establishing appropriate strategies. Porters five forces on Honda Motors: Rivalry: competition in the automobile industries is very high, because there are many firms in this industry which offer many choices for the customers, so each firm try to do its best to make more profit than others, and make its products the more sellable in the market. Toyota, Ford, General Motors are the main competitors of Honda, so it should keep on innovating, improving, researching, and developing to stay effective in this sector. The degree of rivalry in the automotive industry is further heightened by high fixed cost associated with manufacturing cars and trucks and the low switching cost for consumers when buying different marks and models Source: Threats of substitutes: there is not a huge threat of substitute in the automobile industry that offers utility, independence and no wasting time, even if there is a large number of transportation. There are bicycles, subways, buses, trains and airplanes that could make our life easier, but that can be less convenience than automobiles. The price of fuel have a large effect on the consumers decision to buy vehicles, also the maintenance and the insurance of the car, but the automobile still has an important use in our personal and daily life. Barriers to entry: it is not easy for an entrant to enter into the automobile industry easily, because of the brand loyalty of the consumers. It is substantial for established companies to have barriers to entry to protect themselves, because some companies are entering into foreign markets by buying an existing company or either merging with it and then realising a huge profit. With local knowledge and expertise, companies have the potential to compete in the market in which they operate against the domestic firms. Honda took the risk of entering into a long and complex relationship during the 80s with a European company universally considered to be one of the least capable automobile manufacturers in the west British Leyland. Source: the case study of Honda Buyers bargaining power: consumers have many choices and brands, but the factors that affect more the consumer to buy a certain brand from another are: the appearance, quality, price, design. Consumers want always something new and nice looking with the latest technologies. The car had to be efficient, by saving fuel, protecting the environment, and running fast. Since there are lot of competitors, people have more choices to select the less costly, and better in quality, for being loyal to a certain brand, thats why Honda tries to make its cars unique. Honda has a history of delivering high quality and fuel efficient vehicles, so the consumers are seeking the best product for a good price. Honda has being a leader in producing fuel efficient and low emissions vehicles Hondas achievements on the technology front are well recognised, ranging from its cutting edge low pollution and low fuel consumption engine technologies. The CVCC engine attempts to reduce emission of the pollution and with less fuel used, while VTEC engines was fuel economy with more power Source: the case study of Honda Suppliers bargaining power: there are many suppliers in the automobile industry, and many suppliers rely on one or two automakers to buy a majority of their products. If an automaker decides to switch the supplier, it could be devastating to the previous supplier business. As a result, suppliers are extremely susceptible to the demands and requirements of the automobile manufacturer and hold very little power. Source: Honda relies on some main suppliers for the items and raw materials that uses in the manufacture of its products. Honda has only a handful of components makers that might be considered to belong to its suppliers family. Source: case study of Honda Porters Value Chain The value chain is a framework developed by Porter to describe the development of competitive advantage and the value of the business. It is a chain of activities for a firm operating in a specific industry. All organisations consist of activities that link together to develop the value of the business, and together these activities form the organisations value chain. Such activities may include purchasing activities, manufacturing the products, distribution and marketing of the companys products and activities. The value chain framework has been used as a powerful analysis tool for strategic planning of an organisation. Its aim is to maximise value creation while minimizing costs. Source: Value chain represents the processes from getting raw materials and components until providing the whole product or service. In order to conduct a value chain analysis, the company is divided into primary activities and support ones. Primary activities are those related with production, and the cost of providing the product or service, while support activities are those that maintain and arise the effectiveness and efficiency of the firm to enhance the product value. Primary activities: inbound logistics, operations (production), outbound logistics, marketing and sales (demand); services (maintenance). Support activities: administrative infrastructure management, HRM, technology (RD), and procurement. Source: Primary activities: Inbound logistics: it is related with bringing raw materials from suppliers, and handling them. Operations: it is related with the products and handling the raw material, to come up with the final means activities that transform the inputs into the output. Outbound logistics: it is related with activities of distributing the product. Marketing and sales: analyse the needs and wants of customers, creating awareness, advertisement, and sales promoting to attract people. Services activities are those that maintain and enhance the products value including customer support, repair service. Support activities: Procurement: purchasing raw materials for the companys operation at a high quality and low prices. Technology development: it is concerned with technological innovation, expertise and knowledge that lead the business to survive such as research and development. HRM: it is an important way of attaining sustainable competitive advantage by recruiting, training, motivating, and rewarding the workforce. Firm infrastructure: finance, quality management, RD. Lets now analyse Porters value chain on Honda Motors: Primary activities: Inbound logistics: Honda purchases the raw materials from a number of components and tries to gain advantages in quality and cost as much as possible. Both manual and automated assembly tasks to handle the components together to come up with the final product, and it also adopts an innovative strategy for the planning production called small batch production systems, in order to reduce costs and having a product variety. Operations: Honda has developed a small batch production system, in which same vehicles are sent down the assembly line in batches, and then workers execute the same task for each batch, then components are delivered to the assembly line in batches which exactly match the vehicle they will be fitted into. There is also the facelift that Honda applies to its cars; the components are then replaced by others more developed to come up with a new product. Honda designs models which are related to geographical dimension depend of different market segments. Outbound logistics: Marketing and sales: Honda expanded several products and models that customers could choose among them, and also it adopts a good production system that is related to its marketing and sales. Hondas strategy emphasizes the high technology build into all its products and it offers features like advanced engines as standards rather than optional extras, thus simplifying product variety within each model type, so that every customers could benefit from it whatever the model of the car. The alignment of output levels with customer demand tends to focus on sales strategy, so the production levels of particular models can be varied up or down as a function of demand. Services: Honda is aiming to improve their relational with the consumers, by being responsive to the service support throughout maintenance and repair, and adopting a high level of transparency with their customers. Support activities: Procurement: for a number of components, Honda arranges to purchase the raw materials gaining advantages in price and quality. It has also the possibility of purchasing raw materials from component makers located very long distance away to allow cheap labour sources in other regions, or purchasing them few square kilometres which is advantageous for just in time logistics. Technology development: Honda has technologically innovative products, developing new low pollution power sources for its vehicles such as CVCC and VTEC in order to have a good market positions, and also it gives to its models a cosmetic facelift every four years in order to gain competitive advantages. HRM: Honda praises the achievements of individuals, makes merit the key to promotion, and awards responsibility to younger employees across elder ones. Firm infrastructure: Honda had become well known in the business for the collective decision making process utilized by its top executives. Honda adopts too much dichotomies in their strategies management taking advantages from all. They also have a good research and development department aiming to improve the quality of the products and entering new technologies to gain sustainable advantages. The primary activities and the support ones are related to each other, one activity can affect the cost of another activity. Thus, the primary activity is related to the creation of the product by handling raw materials together and selling it, and the support activity is related to the competitive advantages that you gain from buying the components at a low cost and with a high quality and to the technology used in the product. So those linkages between the two activities added value to the firm, and can be a source for a sustainable competitive advantages. Reconciling dichotomies: This approach of reconciling dichotomies is used in a wide range of activities of Honda, and it represents the innovation strategy that seeks to adopt different ways and opposite polarities. Dichotomy means two contradictory polarities that do not fit together, and reconciling in this context, refers to an approach in which those two poles are somehow made compatible with each other. Hondas strategic thinking rejects the trade off, or to choose one strategy, however, Honda has mixed too many dichotomies to incorporate the best of both worlds, and this contributes to the success of its strategy. After Honda had selected its market and customers segments, it is time to decide how it wants to position itself within this segment.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Helping the Little Children Essay -- Personal Narrative Essays

Helping the Little Children    I feel the pounding footsteps under my feet and the intense air rush past me as I run, squirming to keep my posture. I struggle to stay glued to the beast's side. If I miss one crucial step, it may mean tragedy for this innocent little disabled boy. I stay close to Dakota's ribs as we move into the turn. Relieved, I gasp for the warm mountain air as we slow to a walk. With my arms still extended above my head, I smile at the partially toothless grin.    As I drive my topless jeep, rounding bend after bend, I find myself staring at the lightly snow-capped mountains in the distance. I run my hands through my windblown hair and notice nature's brilliant autumn colored aspen patterns whiz past me.    Just over the ridge, I casually pull into Chris Turpin's leaf covered driveway. To my left, stands a squatty farm house that has dirty tan siding with dark brown trim, topped with a new forest green metal roof. The few windows the house displays are abnormally small and are always dark. The simple wood siding, though patched with dust and cob webs, has a neat, serene air to it. A branch-covered lawn, which looks as though it has not been mowed in weeks, makes a narrow ring around the house. To my right, stands a pole barn with no solid sides, rising far above the many tarnished orange corrals surrounding it. The barn is just old enough to have collected a nice assortment of ragged bird nests in its rafters, but the wood is not yet discolored. The barn encloses a small rectangular arena, which has one corner rounded off by an old log. In the spare corner is an ancient water faucet and invincible weeds. Extending from the east side of the barn are large corrals... ...e highest mountain when he grows up. Even though he hurts whenever he moves now, he has such an incredible desire to reach this goal and make his dreams come true. I believe he will someday fulfill his dream, and it will be a result of the magic that happens at this very place. It is just a quaint farm house with a rickety barn and a handful of hospitable souls all put together to create something incredible.    However, this place is not just a place for disabled children's dreams to come true, it is a place for my dreams to come true as well. This is a place I feel I am needed and truly inspired to reach my highest goals. It was here I discovered my gift of helping disabled children, and it was here that I learned to slow down for the turns in my life and enjoy the ride. Someday I will create my own TER Program; that is my dream.      

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Marketing Influence Essay

Thesis Statement. Marketing affects one’s everyday life in the sense that it influences people decision making as well as their consumption preferences. This paper illustrates how marketing affects one’s life but it also explains the fundamentals of marketing which product design, packaging, trademarks, branding, pricing, distribution, communications. Introduction Marketing can be viewed as the process where organizations collect their resources to match the ever changing needs of their consumers. Consumers are very important as they determine the mere existence, survival and growth of any organization. Marketing is also viewed as the manner in which organizations address the issues surrounding their markets. (Geoff L and Frank W, 12). The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as the management process that identifies, anticipates and supplies the customers’ requirements efficiently and profitably. For effective marketing to take place clients or customers must be given priority.    Marketing is a vital or rather a very important aspect in ensuring the survival of any business. The major aims of any business are to ensure survival, profits and growth. Marketing comes in handy to ensure that businesses attain this objectives or goals. Marketing entails various activities like accessing customer wants through intensive market research, analyzing those needs and establishing a way forward in ensuring that those needs are satisfied. It also entails the designing of products, price determination, distribution, distribution strategies and effective communication to both potential as well as the current customers. (Geoff L and Frank W, 52). Many businesses have emerged today and competition is high for almost all businesses. There is higher supply than demand and businesses have to undertake intensive marketing if they are to survive. Marketing involves advertisement, effective research promotional sales and direct sales. The role of marketing should not be left entirely to the marketing department of an organization or company if is to be successful. Effective research entails the thorough establishment of what the target population expects from the organization and trying to find out if the organization is actually satisfying those needs. Here, the company identifies its stand or position in satisfying consumer’s needs. The questions that emerge include where the company is, how it got there, where it intends to reach and how it plans to get there. It is very important that effective research is carried out as it provides accurate information on consumer behavior, which is very important in the decision making process. (Geoff L and Frank W, 35). Accurate information would mean that quality decisions can be reached at and this is good for business. Another advantage of marketing research is that through it an organization can identify possible potential markets which it can exploit to increase its competitiveness in the market. Through research a firm can access the market trends and this is very vital in ensuring that effective and timely decisions are made. Marketing research reduces the costs that an organization could have incurred in its operations as it can exploit the accurate information provided to make effective decisions. Without the research organization risk making incompetent decisions based on trial and error basis and this can see them incur high costs of operation. Market research can be carried out through interviews either sent by mail or via telephone. It can also be through a face to face interviewing. Marketing must be effective in the sense that it has to produce tangible results. It must also be profitable, integrated and strategic. The marketing management process entails the analysis of a company’s current position, its objectives or goals and how it plans to achieve the objective set. Implementation must follow so as to attain the set objectives. (Geoff L and Frank W, 10).   It is critical that market planning is carried out as it ensures that the aspect of the future is incorporated in the marketing process. Planning works to ensure that there is effective coordination among an organization’s departments. It is easier to control or monitor the progress as development of performance standards are easy to establish. Planning ensures that the unforeseen events are provided for effectively and the chances of success are higher when there is effective market planning than where it is lacking.   An organization must also be very critical in ensuring that it responds affectively to criticisms so that it neutralizes would be negative effects of the media might have against it. An effective marketing mix creates a positive impact in the market. A marketing mix focuses on product, pricing, promotion and placement of the product in the market. (Ross D, 89) Strategies adopted must always be consumer oriented and the organization must be focused in ensuring that there is high accessibility in the market. Placement or location of a business affects the sales that it makes and it therefore becomes very critical to ensure that effective research is taken. When determining the location important aspects like the demographics of the area are very important. A strategic position is an easily accessible one where many people can be able to reach at or where customer exposure is maximized.    Product design Product design identifies the perfect or ideal shape that a customer would prefer the products appear like. Products or services produced must be customer oriented. Organizations must produce those products that are of much value to their target buyers. They must also exploit their competitors’ weaknesses or shortcomings by producing products with what they simply do not offer. Customer needs are affected by the various factors like culture and effective or intensive market works to establish this.   Communications   Ã‚  Communication is a very vital aspect in the marketing process of any business or organization. It involves the dissemination of information about products or services that an organization produces. Vertical communication which means up and down the hierarchical ladder in an organization must be enhanced so that important decision making is not tampered with.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Good relationships or cooperation with the other departments is critical. The human resources for instance affect the efficiency in marketing. This is because it is responsible for the provision of personnel that will be required to work in the organization. If it provides experienced and qualified staff the chances of the marketing process yielding positive effects are high. The finance department is important in allocating the finances needed to make marketing a success. The production is also critical in the sense that it has to ensure that there is no deficit between the demand created and supply. It is its responsibility to make sure that successful marketing is not challenged by insufficient supply in the market.   On establishing the existing potential customers an organization has to go the extra mile of identifying their current and future needs before selecting or establishing the most appropriate means of satisfying those needs. After this they communicate to the customers on the strategies that they have established. (Geoff L and Frank W, 78). In her interview, Cisco’s Luanne Tierney argues that communication must be effective if marketing is to be a success. Good communication must be in existence within an organization both internally as well as externally. (Roy Young). On conducting the market research effective communication must be ensured between the market researchers and organizations decision makers. Good communication must also exist between organizations their customers. The establishment of an IT department can help improve an organization outward or external communication. By exploiting the Internet, an organization can establish a website where all information on their products or services is easily accessible. E- Marketing can be very effective in increasing the organization’s sales. It can also ensure that there is quick response to customers’ queries and this has a positive effect in the marketing process. Online shopping has gained popularity and most organizations can use it to increase their sales. It has the economical advantage over other forms of marketing. Where an organization offers wide and exhaustive information on the products that it produces more customers are likely to be more attracted and this works to increase the sales. Establishing personalized services is also an important way of ensuring that an organization registers increased sales. Communication refers to the manner by which meaningful information is exchanged. Effective communication ensures that there is a two way flow of information to ensure that there is a quick response or feedback. Noise or distractions must be evaded as much as possible as they hinder effective transmission of important information. To reduce the disruptions marketers can hold meetings in conference facilities. They can also be keen when advertising so that they do not place their adverts next to their competitors as this can confuse their target population.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Giving allowance for feedback is important in establishing how the audience decoded the information conveyed. This provision can be through the use of phone calls, e mails and internet chats all of which offers swift responses. Branding,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Product branding is also very important in the marketing process. It is appropriate for marketers to be very creative when branding their products. Before making the final decision regarding the brand that is to be used it is appropriate to carry out effective research so as to fulfill the customers’ needs. (Geoff L and Frank W, 100). Research can help an organization decide if it would be appropriate to invent new brands and it also helps in deciding the factors that ought to be addressed, enhanced or changed. Research can also establish if it would be economically viable to introduce two or more line of products or one would be enough. (Anholt S, 56).   Pricing   Ã‚  The price attached to any good or service reflects its value in the market. Pricing affects the product position in the market and is a critical issue due to the direct it has on demand. It also affects the other marketing mix for instance the product features, distribution channels as well as promotion.   When determining the price of a new product it is important that an organization carries out an effective market analysis, segmentation and targeting. Costs incurred both variable and fixed also ought to be incorporated when determining the price. It is also appropriate to estimate a demand curve and try establishing where the equilibrium price would be. Prices cited by their competitors must also be considered so at not to negatively affect the sales.   Price determination depends on the strategy that an organization opts to use or apply. An organization may decide to use premium pricing where by its prices are relatively higher compared to their competitors but their products must be of a better quality. For this strategy to succeed, effective research must have established that the target population needs quality products so badly that it would not shy away from purchasing quality goods at a higher price. (Geoff L and Frank W, 87). Penetration pricing can also be applied as a pricing strategy. Here, an organization lowers the prices of its new products or services on entry to the market but with an intention of increasing it overtime. The logic behind this approach is to first attract as many people as possible and after earning their loyalty it deems difficult for them to stop consuming this products. Good quality products are not likely to register reduced sales even if the initial prices were to be increased overtime. Some organizations can be compelled by the nature of the products they are dealing with to use the economy approach method of pricing. This approach ensures that the prices offered at the market are relatively low. The use of price skimming could also be applied where prices are high at the first entry into the markets but gradually these prices are reduced. This approach can best suffice among those goods that are affected by fashion or fads. Customers are willing to pay much money for them immediately they hit the market but as time goes on the willingness to pay declines.   Psychological pricing can also be applied with the aim of capturing customers who are responsive to emotions and not rationality. Price variations can also be applied as a price determination strategy. Prices offered can vary depending on the time of the day where for instance the prices in the morning or weekends can be lower than in the evening and during the weekdays. Offering discounts can be done selectively depending on time. (Geoff L and Frank W, 88).   Captive product pricing can also be applied especially where an organization in question deals with complementary goods. As the price of one product rises its complement price can be lowered to appear attractive. The reduced price will increase the demand for the product but consumers will be compelled to buy the other product regardless its price as they are used together. Geographical pricing can also be applied where proximity of distance influences or affects the price of goods and services. Transportation costs incurred can see to it that the prices of same products vary from one region to the other. Pricing can also be in response to the prevailing economic situation or market trends. Good pricing is also important in maintaining sustained growth as it makes customers come back. Promotion,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Promotion entails the use of various methods by an organization or firm to reach at its targeted audience providing it with the appropriate information geared at achieving its set objectives. The main aim or promotion is to educate or inform the target population of the products that it offers. Marketing promotions activities aim at enhancing an organizations position in the market in terms of the sales made. Organizations are also keen to promote loyalty to ensure sustained or long term positive relation ships with their customers. The making of promotional decision depends largely on the audience that an organization is targeting. The population could be specific or it could be mass oriented. Methods of promotion include advertising, sales promotion, public relations and personal selling.   Even the firms that are well known for a history of producing quality products, marketing is still an important aspect. Promotion acts as a pillar to the success of some high profile companies.   (Need Coffee). Companies like McDonald despite attracting many customers for their good quality products and its strategic position still finds it important to conduct promotions. It uses a ‘spokesman’, Robert, the cartoon like character who brings laughter to children who are the organizations target market. The use of cooperative marketing where organizations merge in their efforts to advertise their products can also place an organization at a strategic position in the market. (Need Coffee).   Advertising,   Advertising entails the use of mass media to convey important information regarding the products or services that an organization offers. Effective advertising offers two way communications where an organization is keen to respond and monitor the needs of their customers. Advertising can be through the use of t shirts, caps which act as walking bill boards this is mostly appropriate to the small businesses. The use of trade shows and trade fairs is appropriate as they ensure the accessibility of many customers or new contacts within a short period of time something that could not have been difficult to attain without them.   When advertising the marketers must be very keen to ensure that there is effective communication. Understanding the target population’s culture would be critical because culture affects the way people interpret symbols, words and sounds. It is also the role of marketers to identify their target population before they can decide the means of advertisement to use. Advertising can be carried out through the radio or television. Using celebrities in advertisement has a positive effect in as far as increased sales are concerned.   Sales,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Sales promotion involves the application of short term techniques as incentive for people to consume the products or services that an organization offers. This way the organization aims at increasing its sales and consequently its profit levels. Sales promotion could be the use of retail coupons that are valid for a specified period of time and customers must use them within the stipulated time span.    Marketing public relations   Ã‚  Public relations also known as publicity is a form of promotion that uses a third party to convey desired information regarding the products or services that an organization produces. Through the public relations an organization is able to communicate its positive features to the public.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Personal selling is another form of promotion where personal contacts are made to in promoting the sales of an organization products and services.   Packaging   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     According to Giles in What’s packaging design? the major reasons for packaging in marketing is to enhance appearance, protect product and facilitate distribution. (Calver G, 43). Packaging is also a vital aspect in ensuring the successful marketing of a product. Products that are packaged in attractive packaging will generally register increased sales. In determining the packaging to apply firms or organizations ought to ensure that the packaging protects the product in question. It ought to meet the environment standards set so that the organization or firm does not face conflicts with the authorities. Again it should be safe enough not to harm the customers. The cost aspects must be incorporated so that the organization does not incur losses. A good packaging must be convenient when distribution is being carried out. It should not be too bulky.   Marketing affects ones everyday life as it is very influential in determining a consumer’s decision making. On a daily basis one encounters or has to come across advertisements on the bill boards, televisions and the radio. The initial encounter precipitates the interest to acquire more information on the products or services in question and this leads to the search for more information on them which can be through the Internet. Attractive prices encourage impulse buying which is to the advantage of the businesses or firms. Effective marketing ensures that instant decisions are made that enhance the sales a firm makes. Works Cited: David Frederick Ross. Distribution: Planning and Control : Managing in the Era of Supply Chain. 2004. Springer Publishers. P 89 Geoff L and Frank W. The Official CIM course book: Marketing Environment, Marketing In Practice and Marketing Fundamentals. 2007. p 10-200 Giles Calver. What is Packaging Design? Essential design handbooks. Rotovision Publishers. 2003. p 43 Simon Anholt. Brand New Justice: How Branding Places and Products. Butterworth-Heinemann Publishers. 2005. P 56 Need Coffee. 2007. McDonald’s Strategic Marketing Mix. Retrieved on 20th June 2008 from Roy Young. 2008. Marketing Champions: Interview With Cisco’s Luanne Tierney. Retrieved on 20th June 2008 from

Friday, November 8, 2019

Writing problems Essays

Writing problems Essays Writing problems Essay Writing problems Essay My Problem in Writing And solutions Every time I am asked to write about any topic, I find myself facing a major problem asking myself what I am going to write, and how I am going to present, express my ideas and support my personal opinions in a clear organized way that the reader would understand me. Learning how to write an essay was a frustrating process for me until , I came to understand some steps that made it easy and sometimes fun. I learnt to start by researching the topic using all different resources available like interest and libraries. I write Down questions, notes, quotations, facts, interesting passages and it sources. Its always good to have a variety of Sources; Quoting from a few sources only, will sound inexperienced; while quoting from numerous sources Will sound knowable and supportive to the topic. As I am researching the topic I start analyzing the arguments of different writes and authors. The argument consists of two main things a claim and reasons for that claim, neither a claim without reasons; nor reasons without a claim is an argument. When I am creating my own argument, first I identify my main claim then locate all its reasons. The reasons should show explanations of the claim and whether it s rue or not. I also map out if there is enough evidence supporting my claim, and if there is any other After spending decent amount of time researching, comparing arguments. I begin to think critically to discover the insights of the topic trying to find something original to say about it. I look to define the Problem if There is any! Why its a problem?. A problem for who? When did it become a problem? And what is the roots of that problem ?. I go back to do more research about the problem I outlined, Answers for the questions I wrote down and educate myself more about this problem . I look or evidence supporting it, it s sources how strong or weak they are, and if I believe it or not. Now I think I can start writing my own opinions and ideas whether I agree or not, I can also present my arguments it s claims and it s reason s. My main claim will be my thesis for example I wrote my thesis for this topic at the end of the introduction which is Learning how to write an essay fun. . Many people may not believe that thesis which makes it arguable and that what I try to make all my thesis. Then I think about how I am going to organize and outline my writing, I free write the whole ratings to omit mistakes, remove paragraphs or add evidence . I try to choose appropriate arrangement for my writings. The introduction of any topic is what grabs the readers attention I can present my introduction by An interesting fact, or a personal experience, or a surprising information, or even exciting quotations. The entire introduction should lead toward the presentation of my claim or thesis. I begin my paragraph by focusing on one idea only, and the first sentence of the paragraph will be my topic sentence of the paragraph . It describes the point of the paragraph then I evolve more ideas in the paragraph. I provide examples to illustrate my ideas, use quotations, show more evidence , offer another perspective to my idea, elaborate on causes/effects, definitions, comparison/contrast. The conclusion will be my closing paragraph where I recap my main idea in a clear , summarizing Manner, I also learned to try to make a graceful exit from the essay by leaving memorable impression by the Reader, that it wont be boring like describing a powerful image, or using quotations, or personal Experiences, or actions need to be done, or explaining why the topic is important, or lea conclusion and I keep it short. I am going to end my essay with this closing paragraph that I found online as an example on ending a topic with an image and it s for a famous writer George Orwell describing Charles Dickens as he sees him When one reads any strongly individual piece of writing, one has the impression of seeing a face somewhere behind the page. It is not necessarily the actual face of the writer. I feel this very strongly with Swift, with Defoe, with Fielding, Stendhal, Thacker, Flatter, though in several case I do not know what writer ought to have. Well, in the case of Dickens I see a face that is not quite the face of Dickenss photographs, though it resembles it. It is the face off man of about forty, with a small beard and a high color. He is laughing, with a touch of anger in his laughter, but no triumph, no malignity. It is the face of a man who is always fighting against something, but who fights in the open and is not frightened, the face of a man who is generously angry-in other words, of a nineteenth-century liberal, a free intelligence, a type hated with equal hatred by all the smelly little orthodoxies which are now contending for our souls.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

John Haigh essays

John Haigh essays Murder is usually a very gruesome subject. However, it is also a very interesting subject, especially in the case of John Haigh who managed to evade the criminal justice system for many years on end. Although he was a murderer he was also one of the greatest criminal masterminds of all time. Haigh entered this world on the twenty fourth of July 1909. He was born into a religious family and grew up a content child. Everyone who knew him said he would grow up to be a perfect gentleman. However, as Haigh began to grow up he joined a gang of youths and appeared in court on several occasions. Finally, in 1934 he was sent to prison for theft. Being a man of optimism, Haigh viewed prison as a temporary setback, and vowed to gain knowledge during his time there that would be useful to him when his sentence ended. To fulfil his vow, he read many books and in one book came across a particular passage that intrigued him. The Passage was entitled Corpus Delicti and Haigh convinced himself, after reading the passage several times that murder could not be proved without a body. During the long months he spent in prison, he became positively obsessed with murder. Whilst in prison, he worked in the tin factory and obtained sulphuric acid from his workstation. He did this to test his theory on destroying an animal bone structure. Haigh believed that if he could entirely dissolve an animal bone structure there would be no body and therefore he could not be found guilty of murder. His unfortunate volunteers were the mice he caught in his cell. Sadly for five unsuspecting people he found his theory to be correct. When Haigh was released from prison, he had not lost his appetite for murder, quite the contrary. He immediately began demonstrating psychopathic behaviour. He came upon his fist victim by pure luck. He was William McSwan, a childhood friend of Haighs who had the misfortune of meeting Haigh in a ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Technical Description Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Technical Description - Assignment Example The product, in this case, is the insecticide, hair products, or deodorant. On the other hand, the propellant is the matter used to get the product out of the can. The figure below is an illustration of a liquefied aerosol can. A dip tube serves as the means to which the product travels from the can to the user. It runs from the top to the bottom side of the can. The top end of the dip tube entails the nozzle. The user gets to access the product by pressing the headpiece. Once the user presses the headpiece, the seal is disconnected exerting pressure to the high-pressure propellant. The pressure drives the product out of the can through the dip tube to the nozzle. Once the user releases the headpiece, the spring pushes the headpiece to its initial position. The inlet slides above the seal disconnecting the inlet from the outlet. The nozzle is narrow to atomize the liquid; hence, the product is emitted as tiny droplets to form a fine spray

Friday, November 1, 2019

Favorite song music analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Favorite song music analysis - Term Paper Example The song was recorded by the BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra in 1973 and subsequently played on BBC Radio 4 until 2006. The UK Theme was mainly a start-up, introducing the BBC Radio Shopping Forecast, a broadcast dedicated to reporting weather and maritime forecasts along the British coast. Although Radio 4 does not play whole pieces of music, the UK Theme is an uninterrupted piece played before the introduction of programs. The traditional tunes in the UK Theme piece represent not only the national maritime tradition but also depict the musical culture of the United Kingdom. The piece combines many tunes beginning with a brass air of Early One Morning. The first section of the UK Theme opens with the tunes of English trombones and horns followed by British strings and woodwind. The use of the English folklore tunes in the first section gives the piece its appeal and originality. This gives the song its patriotic tone. The mood of the song changes in the second section with harp and Irish cor anglais accompaniments. A critical analysis of the rhythm reveals that the producer combined long and short sounds to come up with a unique British beat. There is a gradual drop in tempo and pitch just after the first 8 bars. The main beats are divided into twos, illustrating the use of simple meter composition and giving the UK Theme its unique mood and unusual appeal. The tone is combined with slow Scottish violin, giving the piece its characteristic timbre. The tempo of the UK Theme slows in the second section. The mood changes further in the third section with tunes from the English strings and Scottish woodwind as well as air from the Royal Navy piccolo. The piece ends with an orchestral version played over the tunes of solo trumpet. A critical analysis of the UK Theme suggests that the song is simply a collection of traditional British and Irish tunes, symbolizing the tradition of the United Kingdom. The historical,