Friday, August 28, 2020

Human Social Welfare

Human Social Welfare Human Societies all in all contains distinctive social classes with occupants running from advantaged to under-special. There exist various ways of thinking to provide food social needs of various foundations and as per them individuals select their procedures, approaches and by and large systems History of Social Welfare and Social Work A program started with a dream to give help, support, constrained salary and administrations that can profit the poor in a general public can be characterized as attempted for the social government assistance. Social orders face various issues particularly the low-pay families and those which have no salary by any stretch of the imagination, social work includes investigation of practices recommended by social researchers, leading exploration to comprehend the territories causing issues, assessing arrangements and conceiving techniques to improve the life of those enduring with neediness or shamefulness. Social work is planned for demonstrating social government assistance as its engaged at emphatically influencing human day to day environments, way of life, wellbeing, training, food ammo. Any administration or non-legislative association can begin serving humankind with their social work focused on the government assistance of the individuals in their locale. Furnishing every person with quality training, each patient with legitimate clinical offices, products and enterprises at moderate costs, haven to disaster endeavored, business openings and help to old residents are the administrations social government assistance associations for the most part give to the humankind. As per the lingering idea of social government assistance a person who has left with no different methods for help from his family, work or anyplace else and has a reason to protect his need would be considered for the food gave by the state. Government assistance arrangement is frequently observed as being for poor people. This was the prevailing model in English-talking nations; the English Poor Law (1598-1948) was sent out to numerous different nations. This has been taken as the model of a leftover arrangement of government assistance, in which government assistance is a wellbeing net, limited to the individuals who can't oversee something else. (Spiker, 1995) In the light of institutional idea of social government assistance state attempts its best to shield individuals from the cost they would need to bring about for their endurance in an industrialized entrepreneur advertise, here the reason for need isn't simply the driver yet the need is. In this framework each social class can be profited. This idea serves the whole open by building up advancement specialists, instructive establishments, emergency clinics, military and law requirement. UK and Sweden practice Institutional idea of government assistance for its state. There is an idea of radicalism in United States that underlines on singular freedom carefully denying limitations forced by state, religion or social structures. This radicalism has three classes, exemplary, social and neo progressivism. Exemplary radicalism stresses unequivocally over individual freedom and least hold of state. The way of thinking here backings singular privileges of property, facilitated commerce, and the choice one makes out of his sound mentality. Social radicalism has an additional financial and social part of legislative issues. It features the requirement for the entire society to safeguard people right of freedom. Its typically been applied in blended economies and with government offering types of assistance to private undertakings directing their business and purchaser administrations. Its logicians consider absence of fundamental human needs like training, wellbeing and work triggers the danger to individual just as social freedom. Neoliberalism proposes f inancial freedom as the establishment of monetary advancement for any country. Annual assessments, people right of property, deregulation, exchange progression and so on are the pre-requirements of neoliberalism. Traditionalist logicians put stock in the standard of law over freedom and individual rights. They consider ramifications of law required on the monetary, political and social belief system of individuals. Traditional conservatism organize heritage of laws over people theorized discerning choices. It has convention and religion codes centered at the tirelessness of both. In monetary conservatism there is a breaking point to all the assessments, government intercession and budgetary laws. Social conservatism is focused at saving accepted practices and social qualities. Judeo Christian framework has an idea of sharing worth framework basic to both the religion. The Jew thinks about Christians as adopters of a portion of the qualities from their confidence. The idea of blending conviction framework could likewise serve philanthropic qualities as it expands the capacity to bear individuals having a place with various religion, making agreeableness among networks and bring harmony. Americ an framework is Judeo Christian with the history that organizers of the country were a greater amount of the devotees of being beneficiaries to the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible and the confidence in freedom. This feeling of strategic why more Americans have kicked the bucket for the freedom of others than some other countries warriors. It is the reason the individuals who today most relate to the Judeo-Christian pith of America are bound to put stock in the ethical value of passing on to free nations Europe, yet Korea, Vietnam and Iraq. That is the reason America remains solitary in securing two little nations compromised with termination, Israel and Taiwan. (Prager, 2004, p.5764) The idea is stretching out to present Judeo Christian-Muslim. Indeed, even Islamic lessons focuses on spreading tranquility on earth rather at that point advancing psychological warfare which is the misuse of the embodiment of the religion by the individuals who are the adversaries of world harmony and dependability. The Poor Laws in England distinguished poor as having a place with three gatherings, the individuals who cannot work by any stretch of the imagination, the individuals who cannot look for some kind of employment and the individuals who were not ready to work. A poor alleviation subsidize was made and workhouses for capable poor while the inactive ones were rebuffed. Elizabeth Poor law of 1601 formularized the help procedure by making a collectivist national framework made by forcing charges and offered types of assistance to poor. The meriting poor were given food, cash and in any event, dress. The individuals who required work were set at workhouses and were even offered spots to live while those that were not ready to work were sent to places of rectification. An area was answerable for recognizing and giving food to its poor. The donations gave outside the workhouse were called open air alleviation. A few business analysts consider American Poor Law practically identical to English poor Law change of 1834. As per a pundit Stephen Pimpare Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Political Science Hunter College CUNY: During these times of significant financial change, they utilized comparable contentions to make finishing or confining help a demonstration of empathy, not remorselessness, in this way giving political practicality and good authenticity to their self-serving cause. Such purposeful publicity was dispersed through comparative sorts of very much subsidized and all around associated associations of â€Å"experts,† which worked as interceding establishments, connecting their funders, the media, and the political framework; those funders stayed off camera during these fights, accomplishing their objectives by dressing their monetary crusades in moral manner of speaking. (Pimpare, 2003) Protestant morals is being considered as a transformative power behind free enterprise. Not at all like other religion it urged the supporters to seek after financial development. Under this view Economic addition was engaged, exercises for the quest for common advantages was supported and given positive importance. A few pundits censure such conduct of protestant ministers as being planned for sparing their situation by setting up circumstances like material development apparent in religion. Free enterprise presents a monetary idea which dismisses the intercession by the legislature as expenses and different charges that are above then the one required to convey the predefined administrations like individual rights, harmony and security government should give. It focuses on the need of individual rights, individual flexibility and free market. States pointless guideline and insurance skims the benefits and leave business world disappointed. Reference: Pimpare, S. (2003, Aug) The Poor Law Strikes Home? Paper introduced at the yearly gathering of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia Marriott Hotel, Philadelphia, PA Online Retrieved 2008-02-24 from Prager, D. (2004) â€Å"What does Judeo-Christian mean?†. Jewish World View 8 Nissan, 5764, Retrieved 2008-03-04 from Spiker, P. (1995) â€Å"Social Policy and Administration†. Social arrangement: subjects and Approaches, Retrieved 2008-03-04 from

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Character Study in Manual Puigs Kiss of the Spider Woman Essay

Character Study in Manual Puig's Kiss of the Spider Woman By all accounts, Manual Puig's Kiss of the Spider Woman is about legislative issues and abuse. Confined truly and metaphorically in an existential cell, both Molina and Valentin are wards of a police state and are in this manner feeble to change their conditions. In any case, the novel is extremely about how profound opportunity is developed and made show by Molina's retelling of his preferred motion pictures. Since the substance of the movies is first sifted through Molina's point of view, his depravity of the characters and plots mirror his own movement from a persecuted detainee to a courageous woman who uninhibitedly picks the way to her own passing. That Molina distinguishes himself with the champions in the movies is indisputable before the finish of the novel. In the main film he advises to Valentin, a lady who automatically changes into a jaguar at whatever point she kisses a man is corresponding to Molina's life as a gay man in a general public that denounces him. The puma lady's affection is risky, as is Molina's. His fatalistic perspective on his place ...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Defending Landowners In The Grapes Of Wrath Essay Example For Students

Protecting Landowners In The Grapes Of Wrath Essay Grapes of Wrath Explain how the conduct of the Joadsshows Steinbecks perspective on the obligation of the individualto society all in all. Section 14 made an intriguing point. At a certain point in the part it was expressed that a rancher lost hisfarm. As this keeps an eye on family gets their things andheads west they get together with another family managing asimilar circumstance. Presently these two families share a commonbond. A fraternity is framing. This is the impetus. Nolonger is it one rancher saying he lost his property yet two farmersunited saying they lost their territory. Much the sametransformation happens to the Joad family particularly to thecharacters of Ma, Young Tom, and Rose of Sharon. At theonset of the novel we see the Joad family battling just tokeep their close family together. They are engaged onjust themselves. Before the finish of this superb book we fume Joad family spreading out from multiple points of view toembrace all of humanity as one major family. Mama Joads mainconcern toward the start of the story is her family. She wantsto keep the unit together and works persistently to accomplish thisgoal. Nonetheless, individually, relatives leave the groupfor different reasons prompting the moderate however sure disintegrationof the Joad family. The first to go is Noah; at that point Grandpa andGrandma die;Connie strolls off and leaves Rose of Sharon;Young Tom leaves since he experiences gotten into difficulty again;and Al gets ready for marriage and chooses to go with hisfiancees family. Mama manages every misfortune as well as can be expected. Asthe story advances, we discover Ma Joad turning out to be more andmore worried about individuals outside the nuclear family. Shefeels the need to share whatever pitiful nourishment andbelongings her family has with different families enduringhardships. She saw the necessities of her own family at thebeginning of the story and before the finish of the novel, she seesthe requirements of her individual man. Youthful Tom appears to beself-focused when he if first presented. He has only leftprison in the wake of serving four years for homicide. Tom need toenjoy life with out limit and to be with his family. He is verydisturbed to discover the family home abandoned and almostdestroyed. He at this point has reacquainted himself with JimCasey, an ex-evangelist. The more Tom tunes in to Jim and hisviews on life, the spirit of man, and the partnership of mankind,the less he centers around himself and his needs. He then beginsto center around the predicament and maltreatment of the destitute ranchers. Hestarts to understand that all together for the transient laborers tosurvive and succeed they should join together. He realizes that if theyband together as one, they can request that their God-givenrights under the constitution be regarded. They can start togain regard from their individual man. After Jim is murdered, Tomtakes up the reason for his kin. He intends to work withthem. Similarly as Jim showed him, Tom understands that man is nogood alone and that each keeps an eye on soul is only a bit of abigger one. Rose of Sharon is completely centered arou nd herself fromthe starting. She is pregnant just because and in lovewith her better half so her little world is finished. Sheconstantly moans about the way that she needs nutritious nourishment soher infant will be sound. She is constantly worried that whatshe does or what others do to her will hurt her child in someway. She is so enveloped with herself and the infant she iscarrying that she doesn't understand that her family is fallingapart. She whimpers and groans her way through the greater part of thebook until her child is brought into the world dead. The passing of her childseems to change her. At the finish of the novel shebreast takes care of a withering man. To me this is representative of drinkingfrom the milk of human generosity. She gives of herself to saveanother person. She also is finding out about thefellowship of man. All in all, as the Joad familyseemingly crumbles, they really converge in to a larger,more widespread family the group of man. 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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Proven Topics for a Winning Persuasive Essay

Proven Topics for a Winning Persuasive EssayIn writing persuasive essays, some topics are more persuasive than others. Some subjects have been tried and tested by some authors and they are known to produce great essays. However, not all subjects are the same and they are varied and can be included in your essay depending on the type of essays you are going to write.If you want to have a winning persuasive essay topic, it should include one or two different subject areas that are unique. As an example, you should look at the subjects from which you will use your persuasive essay. This means that if you want to write about modern music, you will want to include information about the musical history and great artists, as well as the concept of composers and their influences. There are several subjects that can be applied in persuading essays.You should never be afraid to include any form of music in your persuasive essay because there are so many forms to this form of music. For example , you can discuss the style of jazz music, it is said to be great because it has amazing musical performances, styles and genres, and is also regarded as the best music today. This form of music can also be very influential on different aspects of society and has become so popular with a great deal of people all over the world. This can be used to influence many kinds of individuals, who are influenced by this form of music.Another topic that will be helpful in power persuasive essay topics is rock and roll music. This form of music can create a great amount of interest and excitement in the audience. The reason is that rock and roll music can create an impact on audiences, and the audience is more likely to be hypnotized when listening to this form of music. The audience is more likely to listen more as they become hypnotized.Some other persuasive essay topics are interesting from an art or genre standpoint but can also be applied in persuading essays, as well. One example of a str ong subject matter that will work in your persuasive essay would be music related to movies. The audience can become easily hypnotized by this type of music, and you can do this by having your essay written in a funny way and comparing your opinion to other individuals who believe that you are right.Music can also influence the public, and you can write an effective persuasive essay about this subject matter, by discussing the films that were made using rock and roll music. By including this in your persuasive essay, you will be able to convince the audience and convince them that you are right and that their opinions should not be disregarded. You will need to include powerful quotations and factual information that will make people listen to your persuasive essay and support your position.Persuasion is one of the most important things that you can do in your writing, and it should not be taken lightly. You should always strive to be creative, because creativity can produce interes ting and creative topics, and can provide inspiration for your persuasive essay. This is the best way to have a successful persuasive essay and will also increase the quality of your papers as well.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Price Of The Pants - 1037 Words

She had only browsed the store for a couple of minutes when she came across the perfect skirt. It was a short, cherry red fringed skirt made of the finest Italian cotton. She disappeared in the fitting room for a couple of minutes to try it on. Camera flashes light up the hallway as she takes pictures of herself modeling the skirt from different angles. However, the more she fell in love with the skirt the more hesitant she became of the pricey $400 price tag. Unable to justify the price of the skirt, she walked away empty handed towards a different store. After scanning multiple isles at Zara, a skirt very similar to the one she tried on earlier appeared for a fraction of the price. Sure the skirt had some loose threads and the quality of the cotton was cheaper, but the look was spot on, and was a much better purchase. Now while most of us would agree that a price reduction on a pricey item this big might seem like a savvy and economical choice, but these low price tags come with a much larger expense to others that people are not aware of. These unaccounted expenses vary from the pollution of water and air, down to the soil where these factories are built and established. It doesn’t stop there either; the fashion industry is also responsible for the destruction of land and even the deaths of individuals who work in the production segments. The purpose of this paper is to explore how fast fashion affects markets and environments, while attempting to increase awareness ofShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Defective Yoga Pants1297 Words   |  6 Pagescase study analysis will define the problem of defective yoga pants products, corporate corruption, and the growing media conflict of â€Å"weigh shaming† in the sizes-2-12 limits on Lululemon yoga pants. 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Khaki pants Information given : The mean ÃŽ ¼ 800 Standard deviation ÏÆ'100 Cost$30,- Holding cost 25% Lead time 4 weeks Target cycle service level95% z-value 1,645 Safety stock Khaki pants Service level * ÏÆ' * √( Lead time) 1,645 * 100 * √(4) Safety stock for Khaki pants = 329 Cost Khaki pants Holding cost * safety stock 0,25 * $30,- * 329 Total holding cost of Khaki pants is $2.467,50 Cashmere sweaters Information given : The mean ÃŽ ¼ 50 StandardRead MoreJ.C. Penny Case657 Words   |  3 PagesUnited States) with specifications for pants that J.C. Penny wished to buy. Synergy arranged to have the China National Textiles Import and Export corporation (Chinatex) manufacture a sample production pant. After seeing the sample, J.C. Penny ordered pants from Synergy at a price of $123.48 per dozen. Synergy contracted with Chinatex to fill the J.C. Penny order and the n attempted to enter the merchandise into the United States at $58.00 per dozen, the price Synergy had paid to Chinatex in theirRead MoreLululemon Athletica Inc. Case Analysis1506 Words   |  7 Pagesthe following: (i) quality control was top on the list as there was a recall of 17 per cent of the company s Luon pants, (ii) lawsuits issues with investors, (iii) withdrawal from the Canadian stock exchange, and (iv) bad publicity (Huang, 2014, p.5-7). Explanation of Problems In relation to the withdrawal of the Luon pants from the market in March 2013, this was owing that the pants were viewed as being over transparent by many (thehollywoodgossip, 2013). In May 2013, the lawsuits that were filedRead Moremerchandise policy - CHERMAS Essay1158 Words   |  5 PagesAssignment on Store Merchandising Policy for CHERMAS INDEX I. Introduction II. Assortment of Merchandise III. 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Know your brand by grasping the benefits and money invested that would influence shopper’s decisions such as in a recession, the non-essentials is hit the hardest. Price is the dominant power of selection but is not the only choice. Shopper mar keting is a marketing program set to approach customers inside of the brick and mortar stores. Examples of shopper marketing which could be favorable for both manufacturersRead MoreMr Le Essay1628 Words   |  7 PagesCollections is aimed to appeal to younger fashion conscious customers. The division sells career wear, dreis a learge sses, skirts, blouses, pants and coats. The ideal customers targeted by the Vigor division are trend setters, women aged 25-50 who are affluent, college-educated, and proffessionals seeking fashionable yet comfortable work clothing. The retail price ranges for the division are between $150-$500 and are classified as the better range of products. Vigors current market share is 7%.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Power Struggle in The Clerk’s Tale Essay - 2548 Words

Through layers of narrators, The Canterbury Tales frequently critique meaningless conventions and abusive uses of authority. The Clerk’s Tale struggles with the subversive power inherent to passive submission, showing how it enables an inferior to exert control over those who cannot be dominated through direct means because of their complete and unquestioned authority. In the context of The Clerk’s Tale, Griselda and Walter have a very strange relationship in which a confusing power struggle develops out of Griselda’s complete submission. In her â€Å"goodness† she is able to force Walter into damaging his own honor and proving his own faults. Ultimately, her submission is able to strip Walter of his power and manhood just as he strips from†¦show more content†¦Each relationship is a development of the binary opposition between passive aggression and direct authority as a way to abuse power. Just as Griselda’s meekness is able to twist and distort Walter’s intentions, the clerk’s meekness is able to twist Petrarch’s intentions. Submission is a means to power that has nothing to do with virtue or goodness. It is deeply perverting of Christian virtues and reveals an inner sadism/masochism involving deep suffering of the self in order to control others and resist domination, which the submissive takes pleasure in their own suffering because of the power it grants them. This struggle becomes apparent only when the position of the narrator to the story is understood. The story of Griselda and Walter in the 14th century was a folktale. â€Å"Boccaccio’s version of the folktale†¦was translated by Petrarch into Latin,†(Dinshaw132). which in turn was translated into French several times. Chaucer based his retelling of the tale on Petrarch’s Latin version and an anonymous French prose translation of Petrarch. Petrarch was the poet laureate; his â€Å"sweet rhetoric† is highly stylized analogy. From a folktale, Petrarch adapted a story that, in his mind, would lead readers to â€Å"emulate the example of feminine constancy, and to submit themselves to god with the same courage as did this women to her husband.† (Dinshaw149) Petrarch’s story is allegorical of every human being’s relationship with god. When the Clerk explains Petrarch’sShow MoreRelated Canterbury Tales - Comparing Chaucers The Cler ks Tale and The Wife of Bath Tale1963 Words   |  8 Pages In The Clerks Tale and The Wife of Baths Tale from Geoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury Tales, characters are demanding, powerful and manipulating in order to gain obedience from others. From all of The Canterbury Tales, The Clerks Tale and The Wife of Baths Tale are the two most similar tales. These tales relate to each other in the terms of obedience and the treatment of women. The Wife of Bath Tale consists of one woman who has complete controlRead More Powerful Satire in Chaucers Canterbury Tales Essay3466 Words   |  14 PagesPowerful Satire in The Canterbury Tales If one theme can be considered overriding or defining throughout Medieval European society, it would most likely be the concept of social class structure. During this early historical period in Europe, most of society was divided into three classes or estates: the workers, the nobles, and the clerics. By Chaucers time, however, the powerful estate structure had begun to wear down. Weaknesses in the system became apparent, as many people, such as ChaucerRead MoreFigurative Language and the Canterbury Tales13472 Words   |  54 Pagesrelationship. The device was often used by the metaphysical poets, who fashioned conceits that were witty, complex, intellectual, and often startling, e.g., John Donnes comparison of two souls with two bullets in â€Å"The Dissolution.† 17. conflict: a struggle between two opposing forces in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem. 18. connotation: all the emotions and associations that a word or phrase may arouse; what a word suggests beyond its basic definitions; a word’s overtones of meaning. 19Read MoreSda Manual Essay101191 Words   |  405 Pagesthe children of sin. The members of Satan’s church have been constantly working to cast off the divine law, and confuse the distinction between good and evil. Satan is working with great power in and through the children of disobedience to exalt treason and apostasy as truth and loyalty. And at this time the power of his satanic inspiration is moving the living agencies to carry out the great rebellion against God that commenced in heaven.†Ã¢â‚¬â€ Testimonies to Ministers, p. 16. â€Å"At this time the church

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Walt Whitman And His Themes Of Essay free essay sample

, Research Paper Walt Whitman and his Subjects of Life Throughout society publishing houses can do or brake a author s calling. When a author must print his ain work many times his work becomes shelved in his ain place for the dinner invitees to see. In Some instances as this one, you have a author who publishes his ain work and subsequently becomes one of America s most esteemed poets and his work hailed as a chef-doeuvre of American literature. Walt Whitman pioneered a vision of humanity based on classless democratic ideals and unveiled an ambitious poetic voice designed to function as the incarnation of America, through Leafs of Grass. In his most extremely regarded verse form # 8220 ; Song of Myself # 8221 ; Whitman states # 8220 ; You shall no longer take things at 2nd or 3rd manus, nor look through the eyes of the dead, nor provender on the apparitions in books, You shall non look through my eyes either, nor take things from me, You shall listen to all sides and filtrate them from your ego # 8221 ; ( Whitman 28 ) . This is everlasting and reflects his personal mentalities. Walt Whitman has a batch to lend to his Hagiographas. This information is focused on his personal history of his childhood, maturity and the text behind one of his many subjects, friendly relationship. As the second of nine kids Whitman was born in West Hills, Long Island on May 31, 1819. He grew up in Brooklyn and went to public schools at that place for six old ages. By the age of 11 Whitman was done with formal instruction and he began his life after school as a labourer, working foremost as an office male child for a jurisprudence office. Here his self-cultivation began absorbing what he could at the library. In 1831 Whitman became an learner on the Long Island Patriot, a broad, working category newspaper, where he learned the printing trade and was foremost exposed to exhilaration of seting words into print, detecting how thought and event could be rapidly transformed into linguistic communication and instantly communicated to 1000s of readers. He wrote articles on political relations and the humanistic disciplines. He attended arguments, the theatre, concerts, talks, political meetings and frequently sit on stage- managers and ferries merely to speak with people ( Kaplan 14 ; # 8220 ; American # 8221 ; ) . During his stretch at the Patriot, Whitman retain a compositor s concern for how his words look on a page, what typeface they were dressed in, what effects assorted spacial agreements had, and he would ever retain his obstinate independency, neer get marrieding and populating entirely for most of his life. Meanwhile in the summer of 1833 after his household had resettled on a farm they had another boy, Thomas Jefferson. Though the 14 twelvemonth age difference, Whitman would turn really near with Thomas subsequently when they travel together to New Orleans in 1848. It had seemed that Whitman s naming was traveling to be in the printing concern, but terrible fires wiped out the major printing and concern centres of the metropolis, and, in the thick of a glooming fiscal clime, Whitman retreated place to his household in Long Island. Whitman began his new calling as a school teacher. These may hold been Whitman s most unhappy old ages, going to some 10 towns to learn and boarding with his pupils. He received really small wage to learn some really unenlightened people. The small grounds of his instruction is ( largely from short remembrances by a few former pupils ) suggests that Whitman employed what were so progressive techniques promoting pupils to believe aloud instead than merely recite, declining to penalize by paddling, affecting his pupils in educational games, and fall ining his pupils in baseball and card games. He did non waver to utilize his ain verse form which he was by this clip composing with some frequence, though they were rhymed, conventional poetries that indicated nil of the advanced poesy to come as texts in his schoolroom. Succeeding the learning Whitman spent a short clip as a fiction author between the old ages of 1840 to 1845, puting his narratives in magazines. During this clip Whitman w as composing for an array of newspapers on subjects runing from how the constabulary rounded up cocottes denouncing the bishop s support of parochial schools ( Conarroe ; Poetry for ) . Now at the age of 30 five Whitman had published his first edition of Leaves of Grass which consisted of 12 ignoble verse forms and no indicant of its writer aside from the right of first publication notice, in which the holders is identified as â€Å"Walt Whitman, an American, one of the roughs, a kosmos, † a phrase echoed I one of the verse form. Within a few months of bring forthing his first edition of Leaves, Whitman was already difficult at work on the 2nd edition. While in the first, he had given his long lines room to stretch across the page by publishing the book on big paper, in the 2nd edition he sacrificed the broad pages and produced what he subsequently called his â€Å"chunky fat book, † his earliest effort to make a minor edition that would offer the reader what Whitman idea of as the â€Å"ideal pleasure† â€Å"to put a book in your pocket and [ go ] away to the coast or the forest.† On the screen of this edition, published and distributed by Fowler and Wells ( though the house carefully distanced themsel ves from the book by proclaiming that â€Å"the writer is still his ain publisher† ) , Whitman emblazoned one of the first â€Å"blurbs† in American publication history: without inquiring Emerson s permission, he printed in gold on the spinal column of the book the gap words of Emerson s missive to him: â€Å"I greet you at the beginning of a great calling, † followed by Emerson s name. And, to bring forth promotion for the volume, he appended to the volume a group of reappraisals of the first edition including three he wrote himself along with a few negative reappraisals and called the assemblage Leaves-Droppings. Whitman was a innovator of the â€Å"any promotion is better than no publicity† scheme. At the dorsum of the book, he printed Emerson s full missive ( once more, without permission ) and wrote a long public missive back a sort of apology for his poesy turn toing it to â€Å"Master.† Although he would subsequently understate the influence of Emerson on his work, at this clip, he subsequently recalled, he had â€Å"Emerson-on-the-brain† ( American ; Conarroe ; Kaplan ) . Whitman had go on to let go of Leaves of Grass a legion sum of times, some good and some really criticized. An American poet, litterateur, novelist, short narrative author, journalist, and editor was a craftsman of cognition, it seemed. His cognition pursuit seemed to be on the way to happen the simple subjects of life. One subject that whitman wrote about was friendly relationship in the subdivision of Leaves of Grass called Calamus. This vision was of a # 8220 ; continent insoluble # 8221 ; with # 8220 ; inseparable metropoliss # 8221 ; all joined by # 8220 ; the life-long love of comrades. # 8221 ; The verse form # 8220 ; We Two Male childs are Together Clinging # 8221 ; is a good illustration of his verse forms on friendly relationship. # 8220 ; We two male childs together cleaving, One the other neer go forthing, Up and down the roads traveling, North and South jaunts doing, Power enjoying, elbows stretching, fingers clutching, Arm vitamin D and fearless, feeding, imbibing, sleeping, loving # 8221 ; ( Whitman 121 ) . This is a power extract of Whitman s verse form about close ties between two people and the battle of billowing through the war. It talks as both work forces don Ts leave each other s side as friends stick together and as soldiers do during war. Another verse form that expresses friendly relationship would be # 8220 ; When I Peruse The Conquer vitamin D Fame # 8221 ; . # 8220 ; But when I hear of the brotherhood of lovers, how it was with them, How together through life, through dangers, odium unchanging, long and long, Through young person and through center and old age, how uncomplimentary, how fond and faithful they were # 8221 ; ( 120 ) . This citation of his verse form shows how two people go through life together through many fortunes and through many clip periods and at the terminal they can still demo at that place fondness to each other. Whitman wanted to unite and shatter struggl es so that world would adhere a state and physique democracy through the subjects of life. Through Walt Whitman s eyes we have seen nature, friendly relationship, decease and licking. All his Hagiographas can merely be interpreted the manner one sees the Hagiographas themselves. The poet died on March 26, 1892. The cause of decease was miliary TB, with other lending factors. Reader s retrieve Whitman for non what he wrote but what he taught through his Hagiographas. # 8220 ; O Captain! My Captain! # 8221 ; lift up and hear the bells ( Whitman 308 ) , for they are playing for you and you will be remembered.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Religious and Political Views of the Epic Poem

Introduction The poem Paradise Lost by Milton is a piece of art that has been coined wonderfully to pass both political and religious messages. The name Paradise Lost was carefully chosen as a summary of what Milton was talking about in the entire book. According to Sander (64), the way Milton has used diction in this poem, and the way themes come out shows a high level of expertise in this field. The book brings out the historic nature of the creation of mankind.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Religious and Political Views of the Epic Poem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When man was created, he was supposed to live in heaven with God. He was supposed to enjoy a life free from any toil, pain, death or any other form of suffering. This was what God intended for man. This poem brings this message in a careful and very interesting manner. The poem brings out the cunning nature of Satan. Determined to compete with the power of God, Satan comes out to put a challenge to God. He uses a special creature of God, the mankind. Paradise Lost skillfully knits religion and politics into one large garment. As Storr (84) observes, Milton has successfully brought together politics and religion into one plate. He has managed to demonstrate that the two are very closely connected. In this poem, it would be easy to see how religion and politics are closely related. From the perspective of Sander (86), some of the facts that are brought out in this poem can either be considered as political or religious. Depending on the approach one takes in the analysis, major themes may be categorized into the two topics. As this scholar puts it, when the poem is given to a political scientist, he shall see politics on the other hand. On the other hand, when this work is given to a student of religion, he shall see a lot of religious facts. This poem is focused on analyzing the poem Paradise Lost from both the religi ous and political standpoints. Religious Views of Paradise Lost and The poem ‘Paradise Lost’ strikes as a religious poem. John Milton brings out the kingdom of God before the fall of man, the process where man fell off with God, and how he was finally sent from Garden of Eden. As Milton says, man was a special creature of God. God considered man a special creature as compared to other creatures. As such, he was given freedom to rule over other creatures of God. He was given power to eat of all the fruits that were in the Garden of Eden extract the fruit of knowledge. God provided man with everything in the garden. He offered man immortality and every other thing that he would need while in the palace. According to Milton (117), besides any other reason that may exist, one of the reasons why God gave Adam and Eve the instruction not to eat from the fruit was to ensure that mankind obeyed him. He had created man and offered all that he might need in the Garden of Eden. Ho wever, after the rebellion of Satan and other angels who were loyal to him, God wanted to ensure that this special creature do not fall off his glory. He gave the instruction to man in order to ensure that he remained faithful to him. However, it unfortunately happened that Satan had plans against God, and against this special creature of God.Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Satan was disguised as a snake, came to Eve and convinced her to eat of the fruit. Milton (78) says that Satan knew that it would be difficult to trick Adam directly. He therefore, chose to use someone who had the capacity to get through to the heart of Adam, and that was Eve. Sure enough, Eve easily fell to Satan’s trick and ate the forbidden fruit. Consequently, Adam was convinced to eat from the fruit of knowledge as demonstrated in the poem. Milton says: Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Frui t Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast Brought Death into the World, and all our woe with loss of Eden, till one greater Man (1.1.1-4) Milton says that the decision of man to eat from the fruit of life was disobedience. God had given man all the freedom he would have needed in this kingdom. He only left him with one instruction. The instruction was that he was not to eat from the fruit of knowledge. When man committed this sin, God considered it disobedience. Just like Satan who was his servant but rebelled, God considered man as a special creature who had rebelled against Him. Given his nature, God does not tolerate disobedience. He banished Satan and all other rebellious angels to hell. Man also had to receive a similar treatment. Milton says that this sin brought death and woe to the world. Besides this, man was sent out of the Garden of Eden. Man, unlike Satan, was never given a heavier punishment of being banished to hell (Fromm 28). When Satan tricked man through Eve, he knew that God would banish man from paradise to hell. In hell, Satan knew that he would have control over the special creature of God. However, this was not to be. Unlike Satan who was keen to continue fighting God for the control of the heaven and earth, man realized that he had sinned. He humbled himself before God and told him that he appreciated the fact that his actions warranted punishment. His reactions after sinning shows that man remained loyal to God. He was able to realize that Satan was evil minded and therefore, tricked them to eat from the forbidden fruit. His words and actions reaffirmed his trust and loyalty to God. Even after eating from the fruit of knowledge, man still realized that God was the creator, protector and provider. This was the reason why Satan was hiding from God. He had realized suddenly that they were naked.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Religious and Political Views of the Epic Poem specifically for you for on ly $16.05 $11/page Learn More Milton says: Say first, for Heav’n hides nothing from thy view Nor the deep Tract of Hell, say first what cause Mov’d our Grand Parents in that happy State, Favour’d of Heav’n so highly, to fall off From thir Creator, and transgress his Will For one restraint, Lords of the World besides? (2.1.27-32) Upon realizing that they were naked, Adam and Eve tried to hide their nakedness from God. However, God told them that under the sun, man could not hide anything from him. He had knowledge of every single activity that was taking place in the garden and any other place in the world. God had to punish man although he had admitted his sin. However, the punishment given was not as great as that which was given to the Satan. He was not sent to hell. He was only sent from paradise where everything was given by God, to the earth where he was expected to toil in order to earn a living. He was sent from heaven where there we re no deaths, diseases, sufferings and all other evils witnessed on earth. The life that was offered in heaven would never be seen to man again in all his life on earth. He had rebelled against God. He had listened to the enemy of God, and ate from the forbidden fruit. Sander (37) says, â€Å"Adam and Eve lived a life in paradise where they lacked nothing. They were under the care of God who provided for all their needs till they sinned.† This scholar says that the glory of paradise was taken from man because of the sin. He was sent to earth where he would face evil power determined to destroy him. The animals that he named after their creation, and controlled when in paradise would turn against him, just like he turned against God. The serpent, which was a harmless creature in paradise, was given ability to bite and kill man given the opportunity. However, God realized that man could not survive if left alone on earth. He therefore maintained his presence through his trusted angels who watched over man. Milton (56) says that although God sent man out of the garden, he kept a close eye on him to ensure that he was protected from any harm, especially from Satan and his forces. Milton says that following this sin, God considered man a rebellious creature. Because of this rebellion, the paradise was lost forever.Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When God created the law to Adam, it was supposed to make him know how he would rule over other creatures that had been bestowed under his watch. Forsyth (29) says that God never gives laws that are oppressive. God loved His creatures Adam and Eve. For this reason, He could not hide from them anything which was good for them. They were God’s favorite creatures. God gave them the garden where they would find everything they needed without any struggle. God knew that eating from this fruit would harm them. This is proven when Adam and Eve struggled to hide their nakedness from God. All this time man and woman had been naked, but never realized. They never struggled to hide from God. However, this fruit brings shame, struggle and the need to run away from the presence of God. All these are sufferings that God wanted to save Adam from when he gave him the law. Political Views of Paradise Lost According to Sander (93), poems are always based on issues about the society. This schol ar says that although poems are always fiction as the actions would take place in the mind of the author who will then transfer it into a written art, the actions are always based on facts on the society. Poets would use their skills to bring out specific information about the society in a special way. In this poem, Milton brings out how politics manifests itself in the society. This is brought from the leadership perspective. In this poem, Milton brings in a case that demonstrates revolution from the leadership. When God created man and woman and placed them in the garden, they were supposed to obey the command given by God. Political perspective comes in when Satan challenges power of God. He convinces man to disobey God and challenge His authority. Milton says: Who first seduc’d them to that foul revolt? Th’ infernal Serpent; he it was, whose guile Stird up with Envy and Revenge, deceiv’d The Mother of Mankind, what time his Pride Had cast him out from Heavâ €™n, with all his Host Of Rebel Angels, by whose aid aspiring To set himself in Glory above his Peers, He trusted to have equal’d the most High (2.1.33-40) In this extract, two centers of power are shown to be fighting for control. As shown in this extract, Satan, through the serpent, was determined to win over Humankind because it was the most treasured creature of all. He seduced humankind to revolt against God. The extract shows that Satan had developed an empire by joining forces with other rebel angels. According to Milton (114), Satan formed a very strong kingdom where he was the ruler. In his kingdom, this scholar says that Satan made a great effort to ensure that he fought against the powers of God. He wanted to reign over the world. These two forces have been in constant battle. They are struggling to rule Humanity. From the extract, Satan was full of envy towards man, and the need to revenge. Man had been considered as the most precious creature that pleased God . By attacking him and making him part ways with God, Satan knew that he would be left to control mankind (Sander 86). This scholar says that the mission of Satan was to separate man from God so that he would find his way between the two. By manipulating man to disobey God, Satan knew that mankind would be sent away from Heaven where God would offer full protection. However, by managing to separate them, he would have time to attack man with a lot of ease. According to Sander (86), in a political environment, powers will always clash while trying to determine which power is stronger. Two empires staying side by side will never be at peace until one exerts its authority and proves that it is stronger. In this poem, we are introduced to two kingdoms. The first Kingdom is headed by God, and has all the angels that remained loyal to God. The second kingdom is headed by Satan, and has various followers who fell from the first kingdom. Satan himself was an angel under the leadership of Go d (Milton 73). These two kingdoms are fighting to gain control of the kingdom. Milton says: That Glory never shall his wrath or might Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace With suppliant knee, and deifie his power, Who from the terrour of this Arm so late Doubted his Empire, that were low indeed, That were an ignominy and shame beneath This downfall; since by Fate the strength of Gods And this Empyreal substance cannot fail, (3.1.110-117) From this extract, Milton appreciates the existence of the two kingdoms. He appreciates the fact that the two are very strong kingdoms, but with forces pulling in different directions. While God is determined to see a peaceful society, with humanity living within the freedom allowed, and obeying the rules given, Satan is determined to counter this. He challenges God and uses terror to counter the power of God. Milton finally appreciates the fact that God’s empire is actually beyond any failure. According to Forsyth (116), the war between God and Satan can be viewed from the political perspective. The argument of this scholar is in support of Milton’s Paradise Lost. This scholar says that when Satan was in the same kingdom in heaven under the leadership of God, he believed that the power of God could be challenged. He envied the power of God. This was despite the fact that he was one of the most trusted angels of God. However, he wanted to be like God. He wanted to experience how it would be as a leader of a given community. He wanted to create a territory where he would be the leader. For this reason, he rebelled from God. This rebellion did not come because God did something that Satan considered outrageous. It is only that Satan was yearning for power. He wanted to reign, just like God. Storr (56), in his review of the poem ‘Paradise Lost’, says that Milton presents a struggle for power in those early days. This scholar says that the paradise which was lost was actually the ability to enjoy the benefits of being in a superior kingdom. This scholar further says that during those early days, the rulers based their ruling strategy on rod and stick. Those who obeyed the stronger power would enjoy the benefits that come with it such as staying in paradise where man would not be subjected to any labor and pain. This story clearly demonstrates that disobedience comes with consequences. Mankind lost the paradise because of the failure to obey God. As such, he was made to suffer. According to Forsyth (47), the poem Paradise Lost is a narration of the events that took place in the Garden of Eden just before man was sent to earth. This scholar says that religion is about obedience. From religious perspective, people have the responsibility to ensure that they follow the laws and all the regulations put in place by God. When God made the first law and gave it to Adam, it was supposed to guide him within the Garden of Eden. These laws were not meant to oppress him. The law was not mea nt to make him foolish before other creatures in this Garden. Other than God and His angels, man was the most intelligent animal. He was given power to control other creatures on the earth. Man lacked nothing within this garden, and was always under tight security. Just like in an earthly kingdom, this kingdom had laws. These laws always help in defining relationship between one man and another, and between man and nature. This is what this law given to Adam was meant for. The law was to help define the relationship that exists between man and nature, and with God. God knew why the tree’s fruit was never to be eaten by man. Adam had all the reason to obey this law that was defining how he would relate to nature (Shaffer 57). This law was also a sign of how God wanted Adam to behave with Him. Disobeying this law was a disobedience to God who created the law. Just like in a kingdom, such a behavior could not go unpunished. Being banished from the Garden of Eden was the punishme nt given. Conclusion The epic poem ‘Paradise Lost’ by John Milton presents a story of how man came to fall off from paradise. The poem skillfully knits together religion and politics into one garment. Satan is seen determined to challenge the power of God. He fights God directly, but realizes that that is dangerous. He then chooses to fight God through His special creature, man. Again he realizes that man is very loyal to God, and would not disobey Him if he was to approach him. Canning as he was, Satan found his way into the Garden of Eden. He sneaks into this garden in the form of a snake. Using his oratory skills, Satan manages to convince Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit. Eve goes ahead to eat the fruit without realizing that this is an act of rebellion against God. She takes some to Adam who also eats this fruit of knowledge. They suddenly realize that they were naked, and hide their nakedness from God when they heard him enter the garden. As a result, man is se nt to earth from the Garden of Eden. He is relieved of all the privileges that he enjoyed while he was loyal to the kingdom of God. Now that he had listened to the Kingdom of Satan, he had to experience the suffering that comes with this kingdom. He was to toil in order to eat. He had to protect himself from wild animals in order to survive. He was assigned various tasks that were strenuous just because of this sin. Paradise was lost, and lost forever. He had to stay on earth with all its challenges. This is the message that this epic poem by John Milton brings out. Works Cited Forsyth, Holly. Gardens of Eden: Among the World’s Most Beautiful Gardens. Carlton, Miegunyah Press, 2009. Print. Fromm, Erich. On Being Human. New York: Continuum, 1994. Print. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. London: Vintage Classic, 1758. Print. Sander, Theresa. Approaching Eden: Adam and Eve in Popular Culture. Lanham: Rowman Littlefield Publishers Inc, 2009. Print. Shaffer, Jackie. Adam and Eve: The Tree and What They Ate. Pittsburgh: Rose Books, 2008. Print. Storr, Catherine. Adam and Eve. Milwaukee: Raintree Books, 1983. Print. This essay on The Religious and Political Views of the Epic Poem was written and submitted by user Amira Jennings to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Matsuo Taseko and the Meiji Restoration essays

Matsuo Taseko and the Meiji Restoration essays The Tokugawa period of Japanese history was a time of rigid class stratification. The Weak Body of a Useless Woman: Matsuo Taseko and the Meiji Restoration by Anne Walthall deals with the transformation from the age of the samurai to the modern; from the Shogunate to Empirical rule and the beginning transition from an agrarian to technological society. This book is about change, specifically, social and political change, but. also, about changes that occurred within the life of an individual, a woman and a Matsuo Taseko was born into the peasant class. Her family were farmers living and working in the Ina Valley in what is now the Nagano Province. The samurai system was based on a feudal and agrarian society where the workers paid homage' or taxes to the local ruling samurai. Taseko was the daughter of the local headman, which brought responsibility as well as greater contact with others, including political leaders. It also made her part of the rural elite', a part of the local political structure. Her family were involved in an extensive system of rural entrepenurism, or self-employment, that bridged the agricultural and merchant classes. They were involved in making and selling sake and were known to be the local moneylenders. She learned to read and write, an honor generally denied the peasant. She wrote poetry that reflected both her education and her political inclinations. She was trained in classical poetic form, allowing her a place among the intellectuals of the time. She was a devout subject of the Emperor. Taseko remained within the rural elite by marrying a headman of another village. She birthed ten children, although three died in infancy. She joined the ranks of entrepreneurs by cultivating silkworms, becoming wealthy according to the limits of class and opportunity. Her marriage was typical of social expectations and she ...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Impact of financial crysis into international economy Essay

Impact of financial crysis into international economy - Essay Example In addition, there is a global credit crunch that has paralyzed economic development in the third world countries as well as slowing down the economic growth rates of the developed countries. Furthermore, both the first and third world countries have reported an increase in the rate of unemployment and poverty. There has also been a nosedive in exports, investment and asset markets (Healy and Palepu 13). Therefore, with the aim of studying the impact of financial crisis into international economy this article will outline its causes, consequences and the impact of the credit crunch. CAUSES OF THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS (GFC) According to most economists, the current economic crunch is the worst kind of financial crisis that the world has faced so far since the Great Depression of the 1930s (BWND ch. 1).. The root cause of the credit crunch is related to the development of the US housing bubble that rapidly occurred between 2005 and 2006. This resulted to an increase in the number of default rates of the adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) and subprime (Calomiris 6-52). This is because the banking institutions were willing and readily gave out loans to investors to purchase real estate property. Investors were encouraged to apply for high loans believing that they would settle them within a short time (BWND ch. 3). Investors applied for loans with ignorance of the interest rates. In fact, investors could easily access a plethora of loans including credit card, mortgage and auto which lured them to apply for the loans without considering the unprecedented load that would be caused by the debt. There were also a myriad of financial agreements including collateralized debt obligations (CDO) and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) which stipulated a more friendly strategy for settling the debt (Salmon ch. 5). This was a marketing strategy that encouraged investors from all over the world to venture in the US housing market. Moreover, the US federal bureau had monitored th e interest rates since 1982 to ensure they were steadily decreasing. The easy access to foreign funds encouraged investors to undertake the loans for fuelling the housing construction projects (Healy and Palepu 13). Come the year 2007, interest rates increased with an outrageous margin resulting to a decrease in the housing prices. Conversely, most investors were adversely affected since raising money became increasingly difficult. Within a short time there was an increase in the number of foreclosed real estate properties. Also most of the global financial institutions that had invested heavily on the financial agreements incurred huge losses. This led to the erosion of financial strength for banking institutions. As a result there was a worldwide drain of wealth which led to an increase in poverty levels. In addition, there were an increased number of loan defaulters and not only in the housing sector but also in other economic sectors resulting to unbearable losses that cost the globe trillions of dollars (Calomiris 6-52). Another factor that resulted to the growth of the credit crunch is the financialization process. The US credit and housing bubble rapidly expanded the international financial stability until it became fragile and susceptible to a wide array of risks. This is because financial institu

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Business system analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business system analysis - Essay Example ructure is created to visually demonstrate the clients what their needs can seem similar to when they are applied into a completed system (Sommerville, 2009). Evolutionary prototyping method is a software development lifecycle model in which software prototype developed for illustration and requirements explanation. There are four main phases in Evolutionary prototyping model: (SoftDevTeam) Evolutionary Prototyping is also recognized as breadboard prototyping. Evolutionary Prototyping is moderately dissimilar from Throwaway Prototyping. The major objective to utilize Evolutionary Prototyping is to develop an extremely strong prototype in a prearranged way and continuously process it. The cause intended for this is that the Evolutionary prototype, at what time developed, shapes the compassion of the novel system, as well as the developments and additional requirements will be developed (Hanna Kulas, 2009). A class diagram graphically demonstrates classes and subclasses in a system(Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat). A class diagram is a diagram that demonstrates the associations as well as source code dependability amongst classes in the UML or Unified Modeling Language (Ambler, 2009). A class outlines the techniques and variables in an object that is a precise body in a plan or the component of code instead of that entity. The Class diagrams are practical in the entire shapes of OOP or object-oriented programming. The idea is a number of years mature on the other hand have been advanced like object-oriented programming modeling paradigms have developed (Searchsoa, 2009). Below is an example of Class diagram: A use case is a task that an actor who interacts with an information system can carry out(Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat). A Use case is intended to elucidate a series of events that offer something of quantifiable worth to an actor as well as is drawn like a horizontal ellipse (Ambler, UML 2 Use Case Diagrams, 2009). In software engineering, the utilization of a

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Atlantic Slave Trade Essay Example for Free

Atlantic Slave Trade Essay A slave can be defined as a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another, a bond servant or a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person. Slavery was well recognized in many early civilizations. Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, the Akkad Ian Empire, Assyria, Ancient India, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, the Islamic Caliphate, the Hebrews in Palestine, and the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas all had either a form of debt-slavery, punishment for crime, enslavement of prisoners of war, child abandonment or birth of slave children to slaves. However, as the sixteenth century approached, so did the change in the way slavery would be looked at, for years to come. The Atlantic slave trade became the name of the three part economic cycle that involved four continents for four centuries and millions of people. The Atlantic slave trade or the middle passage, triangular trade and slavery affected the economy of Europe, Africa and the Americas in both negative and positive aspects. Starting in the 1430’s Portuguese were the first to sail down the coast of Africa to search for gold and jewels. The Portuguese had to extend their power across the co+ast because Sub-Saharan Africa’s trade routes were controlled by the Islamic Empire. By 1445, The Portuguese conquered three African countries and created trading posts. This allowed them access to Europe across the Sahara. Initially, the Portuguese traded copperware, cloth, tools, wine and horses for pepper, ivory and most importantly gold. The first slave purchase is said to have taken place in 1441 when the Portuguese caught two African males while they were along the coast. The Africans in the nearby village paid them in gold for their return. Eventually, they developed the idea that they could get more gold by transporting slaves along Africa’s coast. The Muslims were enticed by the idea of slavery as they used them as porters and for profit. Portugal had a monopoly on the export of slaves in Africa for more than two hundred years. This encounter is the beginning of one of the most tragic events in history, the Atlantic triangular trade (Thomas 1997). A triangular trade evolves when a region has export commodities that aren’t required in the region which its major imports come and provides a method for trade imbalances. The triangular trade is named for the rough shape it makes on a map. It worked like a triangle between all the colonies that were involved. For centuries the world was took part in its most successful trading system. There where nearly fifteen million Africans were shipped to both North and South America for more than three-hundred. Slaves, cash crops and manufactured goods were the most traded between the Americas, Europe and Africa. The Europeans controlled the first stage of the trade by carrying supplies for sale and trade such as, cloth, spirit, tobacco, beads, shells, metal goods and guns. This was their method of which were used to help expand empires and capture more slaves. These goods were exchanged for purchased and kidnapped African slaves (www. nmm. ac. uk/freedom/viewTheme. cfm/theme/triangular). African kings and merchants would capture the slaves or organize campaigns ran by the Europeans. The motives of the Europeans were based on one thing; they lacked a major source, a work force. It was stated that the Indigenes people were unreliable and Europeans were unsuited to the climate. However, Africans had experience in agriculture, keeping cattle, content with the climate. Africa soon became reliant on the slavery of their people and the profits that came along with it. The next stage involved the slaves being transported by voyage to the Americas and Caribbean, the middle passage (PBS. â€Å"The African Slave Trade and the Middle Passage. † http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/aia/part1/1narr4. html). The middle passage was a perilous, horrendous journey slaves made across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. The final stage of the Atlantic slave trade was the return to Europe from the Americas with the produce from the slave-labor plantations. Most regions of North and South America were used to provide these raw materials to Europe for manufacturing. This wasn’t the first or only slave trade, but it was the cruelest. What began as a quest for gold ended as a quest for slaves, leaving a major stamp on African and American history (Thomas 1997). Before undergoing the middle passage, slaves faced human misery and suffering. Kidnapped slaves were forced to walk shackled in slave caravans to European coastal forts. Due to the lack of food and energy, half of the slaves became sick and were killed or left to die. Some had the strength to make it so they were left in underground dungeons. For years, Africans were stranded in these dungeons across the coast of Africa.. There, they wait on the embarked horrid encounter of the entire slave trade, the middle passage. None of the previous passengers returned to their homeland so none of the Africans knew what they were about to endure. The voyages were generally organized by companies and investors because they were a huge financial burden(â€Å"The African Slave Trade and the Middle Passage). Two theories show the packing of slaves in the European ships; loose and tight packing. Loose packing carried less slaves with the hopes of more room and more slaves making it to the Americas alive and in fair condition. This was exchanged for tight packing. Captains believed despite more casualties, this would yield a greater profit. On occasion, veterinarians inspected the slaves before the voyage to determine which slaves could make it across the Atlantic Ocean. The enslaved Africans were chained together by hand and foot, not even being able to lie on one’s side. They ate, slept, urinated, defecated, gave birth and died all in that one spot. There was overcrowding, inadequate ventilation and little to no sanitation. Twenty percent of every hundred died along the way from either suffocation, starvation, amoebic dysentery, scurvy or a disease such as small pox. The slaves that died were thrown overboard as well as the slaves that showed illness. Some threw their self-overboard risking their life rather than deal with these horrific measures. Approximately fifteen million captured Africans were sent to the Americas. The middle passage was the longest, most dangerous part of the Atlantic slave trade (â€Å"The Middle Passage Experience†). From the seventeenth century on, slaves became the focus of trade between Europe and Africa. Europe had already colonized North and South America as well as the Caribbean islands from the fifteenth century onward. This created an insatiable demand for African laborers, who were deemed â€Å"more fit† to work in the tropical conditions of the New World. The numbers of slaves imported across the Atlantic Ocean steadily increased, from approximately 5,000 slaves a year in the sixteenth century to over 100,000 slaves a year by the end of the eighteenth century (www. mariner. org/captivepassage). Upon their arrival to the Americas, the slaves were washed, greased and placed inside dungeons. The grease added a more appealing look making the slaves appear healthier so the profit would be much higher. European slave traders made sure all of their potential properties were in well condition before bidding. They were branded with a hot iron to keep their identity as a slave. There were two main types of slave auctions; highest bidder or grab and go auctions. Highest bidder was a bidding process which the buyer with the highest bid would get the slave. Grab and go auctions was the process in which the buyer would give the trader an agreed amount of money in exchange for a ticket. This process was where the slaves were released from their dungeon and the buyers would rush and grab the slave they wanted, Each slave would be sold to an owner who owned a great deal of land and worked on either a plantation or mine and there, the living conditions were still only barely better (Curtin 1969) A prominent African, author and a major influence on the enactment of the Slave Trade Act of 1807, Olaudah Equiano was well aware and very familiar with the Atlantic slave trade. At the age of eleven, Equiano and his sister were kidnapped from his village in Nigeria. He survived the middle passage, and taken to the West Indies. He tells how he was bought by Captain Pascal, a British naval Officer as a â€Å"present† for a cousin. He tells how was enslaved in North America for ten years, working as a seaman. In 1766, he bought his freedom and wrote an autobiography, â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano,† Equiano gave a firsthand look of the conditions enslaved Africans were forced to live. This document was one of the first documents that explained, thoroughly, the terrible human cruelty of the Atlantic slave trade (Wright et al. 001). Although many lives were taken or at risk, The Atlantic slave trade fulfilled its major goal, profit and change the three continents. Europe, America and Africa’s economy were all affected by the slave trade. Europe’s economy was suffering before the slave trade. The Atlantic slave trade was during the time of recovery for Europe and completely recovered their economy. Because of the success of the trade, they needed more people to manufacture raw materials and export them to Africa. The great supply of jobs created many exports and the income to buy imports. By the end of the slave trade, Europe’s economy was in well standings as one of the wealthiest continents in the world. The America’s economies rose too. They were honored with a free workforce that provided many resources from sugar to cotton. The free labor allotted for them to received one hundred percent of the profit. They were importing more slaves and exporting the goods made by them to gaining wealth. America’s economy became agriculturally stable and soon industrialized. Europe and the Americas economies were affected in a positive way. However, Africa’s economy received a negative effect. Many, for years lived in fear due to slavery. African villages became small and poor. All of the kingdoms that were strong at one time, collapsed and were conquered. They received raw material goods from the slave trade but with nothing shown. The African kings prospered only because they were heavily involved in the slave trade. As the kings’ wealth grew, their economy was at a standstill and eventually failed. The Atlantic slave trade, human cruelty and evil at its finest, had a substantial effect on Europe, the Americas and Africa (www. understandingslavery. com).

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Terrorism and the Contract Security Market Essay -- Business Human Res

Terrorism and the Contract Security Market Contract security has become a billion dollar business within the last decade. It is by far one of the most profitable businesses today. Also, after the events of September 11th we can only expect this field to continue to grow. With the economy and country the way it is today, we can expect to see contract security and proprietary security forces increase in both size and tasks that must be managed. But is the contract security field ready to step up and perform the new duties we need them to perform? The truth is, the contract security field is plagued by many things that impede it's effectiveness: Pay rates are too low to attract the quality employees. Training is insufficient Turnover rates exceed 100% in many contract companies. These are just some of the problems facing the contract security field. Most of the companies manage to turn a profit by practicing the "warm body" approach. This involves recruiting anyone (which is usually the bottom 5% of the population) who will work for the low wages provided. The company provides minimum training. Some companies put their guards to work before paperwork and background checks are even completed. This is not true of all contract security firms. Some do process and provide very exceptional officers; a prime example being Wackenhut Security. Recruitment Recruitment practices have improved in many areas. Some "warm body" approaches are still being used but, overall this is practiced in places such as New York and other heavily urban areas where the process of "low bidding" is used (Hertig 2003). In these areas of the country turnover rates are higher than any other. For the most part this can be blamed on wages. The ... ... Manual. Dated: Oct 1999. Command Security Corp. (1999) Website . Accessed 17 Apr. 2003, Goodboe Michael E; (2002) "How to turn around turnover" Security Management, Nov 2002; Vol. 46, Iss. 11; pg. 65, 3 pgs Hertig, Chris.(1999) "Contracts in Asset Protection." In Davies & Minion (Eds.) Security Supervison: Theory and Practice of Asset Protection. Butterworth Heinemann: Boston Mass. 1999. pg. 371-374. 4pgs Hertig, Chris. In class handouts.; Security and Supervision Class. Spring Semester 03 Johnson, Jordan; (2003) "Get The Most From Your Guard Force"; Security Management, Arlington; Feb 2003; Vol. 47, Iss. 2; pg. 73, 5 pgs Thibodeau, Charles; (1999) "Staff Training and Development." In Davies & Minion (Eds.) Security Supervison: Theory and Practice of Asset Protection. Butterworth Heinemann: Boston Mass. 1999. pg. 118-126. 9pgs

Monday, January 13, 2020

The M/S Milad Nor Company Essay

1) Read chapters 1 – 5 and review the PPTs we covered in class. 2) Expect 5 or 7 short-answer questions General Questions – 1. In class we reviewed three firms in three different countries. The M/S Milad Nor Company in Afghanistan, Caritex in Bulgaria, and Obod in Montenegro. Each company was faced with different problems and issues. Please briefly summarize the similarities between the firms and their individual issues. How do the problems faced by these firms compare to problems faced by similar firms in more developed countries? 2. Your stock market simulation calls for you to invest in securities with a significant presence outside the US – debt, equity, commodities, currencies, derivatives†¦ In researching equities trading on exchanges outside of the US what similarities/differences have you found compared to firms trading on exchanges in the US? Chapter 1 1.The term globalization has become very widely used in recent years. How would you define it? 2.What does an MNE need in order for it to create value through the globalization process? 3.How does the concept of capitalism actually apply to the globalization process of a business, as it moves from elemental to multinational stages of development? 4. Define and explain the theory of comparative advantage 5. Key to understanding most theories is what they say and they don’t. Name four or five key limitations to theory of comparative advantage. 6.Why have Eurocurrencies and LIBOR remained the centerpiece of the global financial marketplace for so long? * These are domestic currencies of one country on deposit in a second country * The Eurocurrency markets serve two valuable purposes: * Eurocurrency deposits are an efficient and convenient money market device for holding excess corporate liquidity * The Eurocurrency market is a major source of short-term bank loans to finance corporate working capital needs (including export and import financing) * LIBOR is the most widely accepted rate of interest used in standardized quotations, loan agreements, and financial derivatives transactions * 7. Which assets play the most critical role in linking the major institutions that make up the global financial marketplace? * The linkages are the interbank networks using currency. Without ready exchange of currencies the market is hard-pressed to operate efficiently. Chapter 2 1. How does ownership alter the goals and governance of a business? Public ownership may be wholly state-owned or partially publicly traded. State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are created for business purposes rather than for regulation or civil activities. Private firms may be publicly traded (stock) or privately owned by partners or family. 2.Why is this separation so critical to the understanding of how businesses are structured and led? 3.Explain the assumptions and objectives of the shareholder wealth maximization model. 4.Explain the assumptions and objectives of the stakeholder wealth maximization model. 5.Define the following terms: a.Corporate governance b.Agency theory c.Stakeholder capitalism 6.In Germany and Scandinavia, among other countries, labor unions have representation on boards of directors or supervisory boards. How might such union representation be viewed under the shareholder wealth maximization model compared to the corporate wealth maximization model? 7.In many countries it is common for a firm to have two or more classes of common stock with differential voting rights. In the United States the norm is for a firm to have one class of common stock with one-share-one-vote. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each system? 8.What are the key differences in the goals and motivations of family ownership of the business as opposed to the widely held publicly traded business? 9.It has been claimed that failures in corporate governance have hampered the growth and profitability of some prominent firms located in emerging markets. What are some of the typical causes of these failures in corporate governance?p34 10. Do markets appear to be willing to pay for good governance?p36 Chapter 3 1.Under the gold standard all national governments promised to follow the â€Å"rules of the game.† This meant defending a fixed exchange rate. What did this promise imply about a country’s money supply? 2.If a country follows a fixed exchange rate regime, what macroeconomic variables could cause the fixed exchange rate to be devalued? 3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of fixed exchange rates? 4.Explain what is meant by the term impossible trinity and why it is true. 5.Fixed exchange rate regimes are sometimes implemented through a currency board (Hong Kong) or dollarization (Ecuador). What is the difference between the two approaches? 6.High capital mobility is forcing emerging market nations to choose between free-floating regimes and currency board or dollarization regimes. What are the main outcomes of each of these regimes from the perspective of emerging market nations? 7.On January 4, 1999, eleven member states of the European Union initiated the Europe an Monetary Union (EMU) and established a single currency, the euro, which replaced the individual currencies of participating member states. Describe three of the main ways that the euro affects the members of the EMU. 8.Why did the fixed exchange rate regime of 1945–1973 eventually fail? 9.How did the Argentine currency board function from 1991 to January 2002 and why did it collapse? DEAD Chapter 4 1. Business managers and investors need BOP data to anticipate changes in host country economic policies that might be driven by BOP events. 2. From the perspective of business managers and investors list three specific signals that a country’s BOP data can provide. 3. What are the two main types of economic activity measured by a country’s BOP? 4. Why does the BOP always â€Å"balance†? 5. If the BOP were viewed as an accounting statement, would it be a balance sheet of the country’s wealth, an income statement of the country’s earnings, or a funds flow statement of money into and out of the country? 6. What are the main component accounts of the current account? Give one debit and one credit example for each component account for the United States. adjust 7. The US dollar has maintained or increased its value over the past 20 years despite running a gradually increasing current account deficit. Why has this phenomenon occurred? Chapter 5 1. What were the three major forces behind the credit crisis of 2007 and 2008? 2. Why were LIBOR rates so much higher than Treasure yields in 2007 and 2008? What is needed to return LIBOR rates to the lower, more stable rates of the past? 3. What were the three key elements of the package used by the U.S. government to resolve the 2008-9 credit crisis? 4. Why are the sovereign debtors of the Eurozone considered to have a problem that is different from any other heavily indebted country, like the United States? 5. Why has the case of Portugal been termed a â€Å"case of contagion† rather than a sovereign debt crisis? 6. What are the three primary methods which might be used individually or in combination to resolve the European debt crisis?