Monday, September 9, 2019

5 Understand the application of theories and models of reflection and Essay

5 Understand the application of theories and models of reflection and evaluation to reviewing the students own practice. 1 Be able to investigate practice in your own area of specialism - Essay Example He argued the model of professional training which he termed â€Å"technical rationality† of charging students with knowledge in training schools so that they discharge them in the world of training. The cultivation of the capacity to reflect â€Å"in action† (while doing something) and â€Å"on action† (after you have done it) has become an important feature in professional training programmes. Its encouragement is seen as a particular important aspect of the role of the mentor of the beginning profession. It can be argued that â€Å"real† reflective needs a mentor to guide and ensure the reflection is in line rather than bogged down in self-justification or pity. He suggested that the four lenses offered tools and practices to support good teaching. The faculty to ask the teachers to engage at least one of the lenses from the students and document the progress they see in the students. Teachers’ wishing for excellence may engage more deeply using different lenses that fit the student. The four lenses are; c) Student Lens: engaging with student views of the learning environment can lead to more responsive teaching. Evaluations, assessments, groups focus, can each provide cues to improve teaching and learning d) Literature Lens: Teaching theories provides the vocabulary for teaching practice, and offers different ways to views and understand your teaching. Here you will find ways to utilize scholarly literature in your teaching and critical reflection David A. Kolb was highly influenced by earlier research conducted by John Dewey and Jean Piaget. Kolb’s reflective model shows the idea of experimental learning and is centered on the changing of information into knowledge. This takes place after a situation has occurred, and involves a practitioner reflecting on the experience, gaining a general understanding of the concepts encountered during the experience, and then testing these general understanding

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